What's faster? Tualatin 1.3 vs Duron 1.6


Mar 10, 2001
I'm trying to decide which to make my secondary box.
What's *generally* faster, a 1.6 Duron or a 1.3 Tualatin.

The Duron is the value line but has a little more speed.
The Tualatin is the refined PIII.

I have an NForce 2 board for the Duron (DDR)
or an unkown MSI i815 for the Tualatin (SDRAM)

It won't be used for gaming, it'll be used for burning DVDs and crunching F@H.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

The Duron will kill the Tualatin. I remember reading a review of the duron way back when and even when it was 50 mhz slower than the p3 (950 versus 1000) it outperformed it. It's a very efficient processor, and even though it has the disabled cache, it's quite fast and will beat a P3 easily clock for clock.

The motherboard should also seal the deal. The nForce2 is way faster than the old 815, especially when coupled with a more able CPU.
probably the duron for 2 reasons:

1. the FSB is much higher (266MHz) and the CPU can take advantage of DDR memory. The only downside is the very small L2 cache in the Duron (vs 256KB on the Celeron-T).
2. the Duron 1.6GHz is at least as fast as an XP 1500+ overall, which is still faster than a Tualatin Celeron 1.3GHz.
Duron. A Duron is only a few points behind a clock for clock stock XP, which kills a p3. Tualitin, I have no idea.
The duron will crush it... i been there done that yadda yadda ya.

and the NF2 platform will make it even faster.

duron is a one bad muthaf#@ka.. i used to get over 10,000 (3dmark 01) with a little dinky cute duron 1.0 & geforce3 ti200.. never happened with my P3 1000e.. which was clocked 300mhz higher than the duron and still get raped by my duron.... 10,000 pts. was just no way... no sir boyz and galz
Tualatins have 512 KB cache, unless its a Celeron version. So I'm kinda thinking that the Tualatin will be faster. I've used some 1.4Ghz ones and they are crazy fast and cool as hell (temperature wise). They are kinda pricey though.
Duron. A Duron is only a few points behind a clock for clock stock XP, which kills a p3.
This is not just a P3, it's a Tualatin.

Tualatins have 512 KB cache, unless its a Celeron version. So I'm kinda thinking that the Tualatin will be faster. I've used some 1.4Ghz ones and they are crazy fast and cool as hell (temperature wise). They are kinda pricey though.
price is not the issue, I already have the chip.

The Tualatin is a server grade chip. It's not a celeron. There-in lies my delima, a better chip, or a better board with better RAM.

They will both eventually run, but I have a Case and such already to go just needs a board and chip.

They actually have some DDR based Tualatin boards if you know where to look. Look for the Micron Copperhead chipset. I've used it, and its pretty nice, but the board only had 2 pci slots (1 PCI-X, 1 PCI), so it might not be for you. The DDR doesn't help that much for the Duron, while yes you will get higher memory benchmarks, but overall I think Tualatin will do better.
I've put in the Duron and NForce board for upgradeability.
The MSI board has built-in video, it'll likely be sold. (as part of a complete system, a little side project I do.)

Thanks for all your input guys!
gigabyte1024 said:
I've put in the Duron and NForce board for upgradeability.
The MSI board has built-in video, it'll likely be sold. (as part of a complete system, a little side project I do.)

Thanks for all your input guys!

if the price is right, id be very interested in that board and CPU.. just not a whole system :p

those tualatins were very nice chips
hmm....if your tualatin was one of those 512k cache ones, then that would have raped the duron.......and even a pentium 4 at 2GHz.......the pentium III-s is legendary....
bountyhunter said:
hmm....if your tualatin was one of those 512k cache ones, then that would have raped the duron.......and even a pentium 4 at 2GHz.......the pentium III-s is legendary....
indeed... i want one :D my dads lappy has a mobile on in it, and it kicks ass ;)
ShuttleLuv said:
Again, I meant a standard p3. It's a p3-s. :)

technicalities techicalities :p i thought you were denying the presence of the tualatin in the p3 series completly, sorry bout that :)
starbuck8968 said:
Tualatins have 512 KB cache, unless its a Celeron version. So I'm kinda thinking that the Tualatin will be faster. I've used some 1.4Ghz ones and they are crazy fast and cool as hell (temperature wise). They are kinda pricey though.

Well, consider that for most things, a Tualatin 1.2 is faster than a Tbird 1.4. Duron are Tbirds less most of the L2 cache, so I am fairly certain the Tualatin is going to be faster.

So, in essence, I agree that the Tualatin should be faster.
I just gave a friend a 1.2GHz Tulatin Celeron to replace a 750MHz PIII. He overclocked it to 1.4GHz, shall I have him run some SANDRA benchmarks for ya guys? :cool:
CentronMe said:
I just gave a friend a 1.2GHz Tulatin Celeron to replace a 750MHz PIII. He overclocked it to 1.4GHz, shall I have him run some SANDRA benchmarks for ya guys? :cool:

The one we've been discussing is NOT a celly. It's actually meant for servers :eek:

I'm about to do some sandra of my own on both processors, the Duron & the Tualatin.

We could still use your numbers to compare the three. :)

hold up.....not all tualatis are PIII-s cpu's. some of them were made with only 256kb of cache and a 133fsb(so that they could remane ahead of the cely's)

Check pricewatch......these ar the little suckers that don't cost $200(unlike the pIII-S 1.4)
I would bet they are both pretty close to the same performance. The Duron is close to being equivelant to the origanal slot A Athlon's on a clock for clock basis. So I would think that a 1.3 Tulutin 133FSB and 4 times the cache amount of the Duron would be pretty close to the Duron 1.6 with it's 100FSB.
Ok, clarifications....

The Applebred Duron is based on the T-Bred. It runs at a 133MHz DDR bus so 266MHz. There are three Tulatins, the PIII-S, PIII and Celeron. The PIII-S ran at 133MHz bus and had 512K L2, the PIII ran on a 133MHz bus with 256K L2 and the Celeron ran on a 100MHz bus with 256K of L2. The Celeron also had the enhanced brance mispredictions and some other things disabled.

I will get benchies as soon as I can.
bountyhunter said:
hold up.....not all tualatis are PIII-s cpu's. some of them were made with only 256kb of cache and a 133fsb(so that they could remane ahead of the cely's)

Check pricewatch......these ar the little suckers that don't cost $200(unlike the pIII-S 1.4)

The chip in question is:

PIII-S 1.26GHz @ 133FSB w/ 512k L2 cache
An inconsistancy I should not is that the Duron is running on WinSvr2003 and the PIII-S is on WinXP sp2. There is also the platform difference, the P3 is on i815/SDRAM, the Duron is on NForce2/DDR. I know Sisoft is not the be all of benchmarks, but we're just looking to get a rough estimate anyway.

SiSoft Results:

                             Duron 1.6           Tualatin-S 1.26
CPU Arithmatic
ALU                      6500                     4358
FPU                      2493                     1736

CPU Multimedia                  
Integer x4              14888                   11316
FPx4                     15848                   13313

Memory Bandwidth  
Int Buff'd                  2032                     759
Float Buff'd              1916                     736

Cache & Mem Benchmark
Combined Index       2876                    1890

Duron is leading by a mile -

-edit- I think the Duron won.
gigabyte1024 said:
SiSoft Results:

                             Duron 1.6           Tualatin-S 1.26
CPU Arithmatic
ALU                      6500                     4358
FPU                      2493                     1736

CPU Multimedia                  
Integer x4              14888                   11316
FPx4                     15848                   13313

Duron is leading by a mile -
More to come...

wow, those are some interesting results, i guess the duron is leading in pure clockspeed advantages. of course, we have to consider what kind of duron it is... the applebreds are based on teh barton core.. and most certanly will defeat a tualatin, but if it were a palo or something based.. i dunno what would be expected

edit: and of couse, the duron is going to lead in memory bandwidth becuase of the nforce2 chipset, as well as the DDR. the nforce2 chipset does wonders even for a thunderbird, i was very surprised
gigabyte1024 said:
Yeah, but this one isn't OCed. :eek:
It's an applebred core, they are kinda rare I think.


nah, just shortlived... kinda like the tualatins!

they were based on teh barton core with 256k disabled, but since barton is being phased out and semprons are being phased in, theyre disapearing quick

edit: newegg's still got em! http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProduct.asp?submit=property&DEPA=1
gigabyte1024 said:
An inconsistancy I should not is that the Duron is running on WinSvr2003 and the PIII-S is on WinXP sp2. There is also the platform difference, the P3 is on i815/SDRAM, the Duron is on NForce2/DDR. I know Sisoft is not the be all of benchmarks, but we're just looking to get a rough estimate anyway.

SiSoft Results:

                             Duron 1.6           Tualatin-S 1.26
CPU Arithmatic
ALU                      6500                     4358
FPU                      2493                     1736

CPU Multimedia                  
Integer x4              14888                   11316
FPx4                     15848                   13313

Memory Bandwidth  
Int Buff'd                  2032                     759
Float Buff'd              1916                     736

Cache & Mem Benchmark
Combined Index       2876                    1890

Duron is leading by a mile -

-edit- I think the Duron won.

Wow. Well there is your answer. I sure thought that the Tulitin would have faired better.
lithium726 said:
they were based on teh barton core with 256k disabled, but since barton is being phased out and semprons are being phased in, theyre disapearing quick

The half cache Bartons are the Thortons, not the Applebreds.

1.4 GHz Tulatin Celeron
CPU Arithmetic Benchmark - 4810 MIPS
CPU Multimedia Benchmark - 12,482 it/s
Memory Benchmark - 748 MB/s

1.2 GHz Tulatin Celeron
CPU Arithmetic Benchmark - 4145 MIPS
CPU Multimedia Benchmark - 10,763 it/s
Memory Benchmark - 675 MB/s

Asus CUSL2 motherboard. I think he was using 117MHz for the 1.4GHz.
Duron 1.6 for these reasons

Duron has the 266 FSB and PC2100 (at the least) memory bandwith vs.133FSB and 133 SD-RAM (I know there were DDR P3 boards but they showed no real performance gain)

The Athlon Processors and the Pentium 3 processors performed very closely at stock speeds a diffrence of L2 448k cache on either end is not going to overcome a 400Mhz processor speed difference, plus the Barton core is a bit more tweaked than the tualatin (4th? revision of the Athlon Core versus the 2nd revision of the P3 core)

(And lets not even compare an 815 chipset vs a Nforce 2 board for speed)

See how fast those little 1.6Ghz Duron's are (They trounce the 2Ghz Cels)

But the most ironic thing is that Tualatin is worth 4 times what that Duron is.

So in closing you should use the Duron 1.6Ghz and send that Tualatin to me. ;)