What's my bottleneck and what should I get?


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2001
+I’ve been wanting to upgrade my PC and I can’t afford a +whole new i7 system at the moment. What would you say is my bottleneck? I play WoW and CoD: MW2 heavily. I got about 340 bucks to play with and would like to either do the following.
1.++++ Buy a Hanns-G 28 inch monitor (299$ shipped Newegg) as primary and use my Dell for secondary since I’ve been wanting to run dual monitors for a while.
2.++++ Buy a new PSU and a Radeon 4890.
I will probably buy the rest of the new parts during tax return and hopefully the i7’s drop a little in price with Intel’s new CPU’s coming out in a few weeks. My PC has been acting up lately, it’s been making a humming/buzzing noise and its coming from the PSU or video card. It’s too hard to tell where its coming from since they’re so close to each other. However I will be playing COD or WoW and my screen just turns black but the PC stays on so I think the video or PSU is dying.

I'm thinking either 4890 or sapphire 5850 but that shrinks my psu budget.

Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 Mobo
E6400+@ 2.8GHZ
Zalman CPU Cooler
4 GB Ram
8800 GTX
2 7200 RPM Drives in Raid-0
520 Coolmax PSU
Antec 900
Dell 24inch LCD
Fix your PC first before you get a dual monitor.

Otherwise you will have two monitors and 2 black screens when your PC's decides to take a crap.
I'm willing to bet it's the PSU. So definitely go option 2
I agree, option #2 will serve you best in the long run.

you should probably consider getting a new PSU now, and then getting a new mobo/ram/CPU to play your games.

your graphics card is dated a 4890 is a good buy, but your dual core processor is going to end up limiting you sooner or later, if not already in some games since you're only at 2.8