Whats so great about Gears of War?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 22, 2004
So i remember hearing all this hype about Gears of War on 360 and decided to pick up the PC version. After playing an hour, I really don't get what the hype is? Feels like another shooter on rails...nothing new. Barley any environment interaction and you're just shooting the same enemies over and over again...You can pretty much tell when you're gonna run into bad guys because you'll be in an empty hallway one second then a room filled with objects for you to take cover behind! lol...Hopefully it gets better...so far its been a yawn fest. And the graphics are nice, but not amazing. Runs pretty well on my system, everything maxed out except AI (1680x1050) but with a game this dark and...brown...you dont really need it?
i like the movement based action. Ducking and hiding behind objects and such.

Mind you, your talking to a seasoned Counterstrike 1.6 (as in 1998) player
Here's what you have to do. Throw away the PC version you bought, and buy the version for the 360 invite a friend over and play the game on a big TV. This game was designed for consoles and not for PCs. It is a tride and true 2 player co-op game and nothing else. If you read the reviews you will learn that the big praise for this game was its co-op play. I agree the PC version is not that great IMO but try playing it with a buddy, not an online buddy but a real buddy thats in the same room with ya, then you will see how much fun the game can be.
Strange timing for this thread for me. I just played it on the 360 for the first time about an hour ago. Same boat as you, not all that impressed. I'm assuming it gets better.
I agree that it is not the most fun online (IMO) and is not the most fun on your own (I played all the way through on the normal mode).

Then though I played CO-OP with my friend and it was amazing :eek: CO-OP just makes things so much more fun and team work is just the name of the game. Nothing like duck and covering while your buddy is laying down a firestorm of bullets and you are trying to advance on the enemy.

Ended up playing it on normal and hardcore all the way through with my friend :cool:

I dunno, CO-OP just makes some games so much more fun IMO. Too bad I do not always have a friend to play with as our schedules do not always line up and such :(

Halo 3 and Crackdown are other games that are about 500x more fun playing CO-OP.

Then again, the only reason I really have a console is to play online with my friends...I still like my PC more :)
Like others have said, this game is best in co-op mode with a friend and you both know what you're doing.
Yea I agree with the OP. Somewhat

The game is still alot of fun, of course having just beaten Crysis I find everything else not as fun now..

The graphics are very bland, but still good.

The action is fun, the storyline and character interaction is cool, just the battles seem too scripted, thats my only complaint, and its the same deal over and over again, I can understand where co-op would be more fun.
It does get repetitive, and while the co-op is great, another reason I love this game is the insane difficulty level. Can be very intense/damn frustrating at times (pumping station anyone???), but the challenge is a welcomed one.

and come on. nothing is more satisfying than hitting a boomer in the face with a sniper on an active-reload. :)
Lets go with MULTIPLAYER!!!!! the single player is lacking, but the value of the game is in the multiplayer, GET WITH IT!
Console gamers have lower standards.


I'm not one to argue about the console vs PC thing...but I've stopped PC gaming due to the fact that:

You have to buy a new videocard once or twice a year to play the one or two decent to good games that come out for the PC that year on high settings.


1.) you have to buy a new videocard at least every year to play games on their highest settings

2.)it's not worth it since only 1 or 2 good games come out for the PC a year
GoW runs extremely well, even on my "dated" PC. Quick question though, any one else experiencing stuttering? That seems to be the only quirk i've run into....really annoying too!
Here's what you have to do. Throw away the PC version you bought, and buy the version for the 360 invite a friend over and play the game on a big TV. This game was designed for consoles and not for PCs. It is a tride and true 2 player co-op game and nothing else. If you read the reviews you will learn that the big praise for this game was its co-op play. I agree the PC version is not that great IMO but try playing it with a buddy, not an online buddy but a real buddy thats in the same room with ya, then you will see how much fun the game can be.

haha, uh accually man it was designed on the PC first, they used the Xb360 for a testbed. Ive played this game on both halobox and PC and can tell you that the PC version is way better it looks 10 times better can you play it at 2560x1600(thats right 4megapixles) on Xbox? I think not.and you get extra content to the story line and new mulitplayer maps on the PC. Thirdly dont misdirect people on the multiplayer , you can play with a freind on a lan (in the same room), like I did just this past weekend, or on the internet, it works both ways. please do more research next time.
What a timing...i just picked up GOW for PC, for the past 2 hours i was playing it, kickass game. i am running with max setting on @ 1920x1200, little bit of lag here and there.

But I agree it is very repetitive, and like you said, i can tell when i'm gonna get attacked, which is good, i am tired of getting things jumping on me out of nowhere and scaring the hell out of me.

Wish i was running vista so i could co-op with friend of mine who has gow on 360.
Di finitely a co-op game, friendly AIs are stupid as hell, and the guns you get are pretty crappy...
This game is just another case of a fantastic console game being quite a mediocre PC game, not because it's a bad port, the unreal engine runs natively on both platforms, thats nothing to do with it, it's just PC standards are that much higher.

I got bored about 1/2 way through and uninstalled, it was alright coop on the 360 when I played through in one sitting with a mate, but really just feel "meh" about this game.
I was looking at it yesterday at BB. Thought about buying it for the new chapters and the Brumak fight. But I decided to wait until I can get it for $15-20, since I already played it on the 360. Got Crysis instead :D
LOL at PC elitism.
I have a strange concept to suggest, it is possible to play and enjoy games on both a console and a PC.:eek:
It was a pretty decent game with overly enthusiastic momentum behind it. Multiplayer is a bit of fun. I like the reloading, should be adopted more widely.
haha, uh accually man it was designed on the PC first, they used the Xb360 for a testbed. Ive played this game on both halobox and PC and can tell you that the PC version is way better it looks 10 times better can you play it at 2560x1600(thats right 4megapixles) on Xbox? I think not.and you get extra content to the story line and new mulitplayer maps on the PC. Thirdly dont misdirect people on the multiplayer , you can play with a freind on a lan (in the same room), like I did just this past weekend, or on the internet, it works both ways. please do more research next time.

I wouldn't say it looks ten times better, there have been some SLIGHT improvements for the possible higher-spec'd PC as compared to the 360.:rolleyes:

...and really, who plays it @ 2560x1600?

at a framerate of more than 1fps?;)
LOL at PC elitism.
I have a strange concept to suggest, it is possible to play and enjoy games on both a console and a PC.:eek:

Maybe for some people. I personally do not enjoy console games all that much.

keyboard+mouse ftw(although the wiimote isn't bad either)
LOL at PC elitism.
I have a strange concept to suggest, it is possible to play and enjoy games on both a console and a PC.:eek:

No kidding! It's just a fun game. Duck and cover doesn't feel so tactical and it's not so run and gun like a fps. Just a nice mix. It's so stupid reading "OMG if a console player played HL2 they'd kill themselves!" Well shit I played both..some how I'm alive. Especially since it was VERY SHORT! heh. I dunno *shrug* hah Give me a break.
PC Elitism FTL. check yourselves... your acting as you describe console gamers :p Stupid. I play and try to enjoy both :p

That said, Gears was okay on 360 the first time through... in 6 or 7 hours :rolleyes: the second time through on the hardest difficulty (insane was it? hah. no. ) was even quicker. after that, the game was left alone by everyone but one person in our circle of friends, until it was stolen... it was decent co op, but far from "good"
Here's what you have to do. Throw away the PC version you bought, and buy the version for the 360 invite a friend over and play the game on a big TV. This game was designed for consoles and not for PCs. It is a tride and true 2 player co-op game and nothing else. If you read the reviews you will learn that the big praise for this game was its co-op play. I agree the PC version is not that great IMO but try playing it with a buddy, not an online buddy but a real buddy thats in the same room with ya, then you will see how much fun the game can be.

Umm, no
Coop on PC is awesome, graphics are top notch and gameplay is terrific. Once you get a hang of it, plain fun, get to kill bad guys, fight bosses. This game is way better on PC than it was on 360, really, really fun and great looking.
I wouldn't say it looks ten times better, there have been some SLIGHT improvements for the possible higher-spec'd PC as compared to the 360.:rolleyes:

...and really, who plays it @ 2560x1600?

at a framerate of more than 1fps?;)

Er...I did...

Both GoW and UT3 run at that res using max settings, with a clean 50-60fps frame rate.


Note GoW in dx9 with no AA, and UT3 with no AA, and tbh these games look awesome @ that resolution since it's native to 30" screens the dot pitch is actually smaller than practiaclly any other monitor, resulting in less need for AA.
Er...I did...

Both GoW and UT3 run at that res using max settings, with a clean 50-60fps frame rate.


Note GoW in dx9 with no AA, and UT3 with no AA, and tbh these games look awesome @ that resolution since it's native to 30" screens the dot pitch is actually smaller than practiaclly any other monitor, resulting in less need for AA.

What monitor is it that you use that has that high of a resolution and such a high dot pitch?

Correct me if I'm thinking wrong here, but a smaller dot pitch would equal MORE of a need for AA, due to the sharper picture...
LOL at PC elitism.
I have a strange concept to suggest, it is possible to play and enjoy games on both a console and a PC.:eek:

Last I looked this was the PC Gaming and Hardware forum...kinda like the seperation between the Intel and AMD forums?

Anyway, my brother and I play GoW together on the 360 and it's pretty fun co-op. It's kinda like Halo for the 360, I just absolutely suck with a controller. Give me a keyboard and mouse and it's a different story all together.
I haven't tried the PC version, but playing it co-op on the hardest difficulty on my xbox is one of the most fun experiences i've had on console.
I just absolutely suck with a controller. Give me a keyboard and mouse and it's a different story all together.
Now there's a modest guy!

Elitists of any sort should take a note from this guy:

See, it's one thing claiming that a keyboard/mouse is superior to a controller (and vice versa), and another to say that you simply play bad with one.