whats the best setup, for my hard drive's.


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 16, 2004
heres my setup.

2x 36GB Raptors 8mb cache Raid 0
2x 320GB WD3200YS 8mb cache Raid 0
2x 640GB WD6401AALS 32mb cache Raid 0

i also have 2 500GB external hard drives im using right now to back up my misc. files so ill be able to wipe all the internal clean and repartition them all.

so heres what i want to know what size should the partitions be? and where should the OS be installed, which partition/hd's should have the page file ect ect.

heres what i want to do with them

i want to have 2 OS installs one for 32bit Windows Xp and another for 64bit Windows 7

this is primarily a gaming pc but i plan on using Fraps alot so ill need a place for all that raw footage to be recorded too.

do i install the OS to the 640's put a page file on the raptors, and record to the 320's?

or do i put the OS on the raptors ect ect.

some help would be much appreciated.

the rest of the systems specs

Processor: Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 3.20GHz
Memory: 4094MB DDR2 800mhz
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 1GB 4870
Monitor: Sharp Aquos 46" 1080p
Sound Card: SB X-Fi Platinum
Speakers/Headphones: Onkyo 7.1 True-HD/DTS
Motherboard: Asus P5Q Pro
Computer Case: Antec 900
your hard drive's what? :p

what I would do:
unRAID the WD Black drives and put an OS on each - RAID0 doesn't do much for regular application use, and this way you don't have to mess with MBR tables and all that crap if you want to change something about one OS
keep the 320GB drives in RAID0 for Fraps and page file
sell those slow slow Raptors and pick up a modern drive - you should be able to get enough to get a WD6400AAKS
WD black raid shortstroked for win7 and games to get it as fast as possible. Old slow raptor raid for XP. When you get bored with XP sell the raptors and scrap XP.
Raid 320:s for all other junk, fraps and pagefile.
No need to upgrade the raptors for XP as it wont be nedded when win7 are retail during xmas season.
Would consider getting another 2xWD Black AALS 640 to replace the WD3200YS when space is out, even 2x1TB Black to last some time or just to put one more in the mix for Win7/Games and have the other for fraps unraided.
will it affect recording perf. to have the page file on the same drive thats recording fraps?