What's the nicest keyboard?

saturnine2 said:
Logitech DiNovo. Very sleek/stylish/usable.

I second the DiNovo, awesome setup, in my opinion, well worth the $$ if you can afford it.
logitech elite in general, but I wouldn't buy this online. go to your local (shudder) Best buy or circuit city and try it for a bit. people will look at you strange but it's the only way to know if you like it. you can probably return it faster there, so if you change your mind it doesn't mean waiting for shipping both ways.
logitech internet keyborad, it has a scrooling thing on thje left and volume control and the other hot keys. it looks like the black logitech elite corded except it is white
btw i love dis keyborad
I got a free Compaq keyboard from American Express in the hotdeals forum recently, it has a "smart card" reader built in but is otherwise just a standard keyboard. I really liked the touch/feel on it. My "better half" confiscated it. :rolleyes:

I would actually pay to buy another keyboard like that. My point is that sometimes certain computer-savvy types tend to automatically discount some brands as unworthy. But if you can, always go out with an open mind and preview items in a store before making a decision. Compaq, HP and eMachines, for example, actually make some fine products. :) I bought a cheap eMachines CRT to use with an older box and the image quality is quite amazing.
Lethal said:
I got a free Compaq keyboard from American Express in the hotdeals forum recently, it has a "smart card" reader built in but is otherwise just a standard keyboard. I really liked the touch/feel on it. My "better half" confiscated it. :rolleyes:

I would actually pay to buy another keyboard like that. My point is that sometimes certain computer-savvy types tend to automatically discount some brands as unworthy. But if you can, always go out with an open mind and preview items in a store before making a decision. Compaq, HP and eMachines, for example, actually make some fine products. :) I bought a cheap eMachines CRT to use with an older box and the image quality is quite amazing.
i agree, this keyboard (the smart reader one) is very comfortable to type with.
Yea that Logitech diNovo is really nice. Is it possible to just get the keyboard, without the MediaPad, mouse, and bluetooth hub?
Dinovo one more time. By the way, the microsoft keyboards look 'fat' in design, whereas the dinovo just looks sleek and stylish
Logitech corded elite. Sleek and has the wrist rest that saves me from even worse carpal tunnel :rolleyes: Plus the black matches my system.
Microsoft internet keyboard pro is the only keyboard for me as of right now.

it has 2 built in usb ports, and it is very easy to type really fast on it.

it aslo has a TON of hot keys and you can make any of them do anything you want, for example, turn on the screen saver by pressing the foward key, or turn off the monitor using the back key.
All I can tell you is to go to stores that have keyboards on display. If allowed, pick them up and look them over. See if they are going to be sturdy or not. Also, do some typing on them. You need to be able to tell if it's going to be comfortable for you to type with, you have no problems getting to all the keys and if the tactile feedback is not enough or too much. Considering the only thing you may actually use more than your keyboard is your mouse, you need to make sure they both are comfortable and you like how they feel and work. These two things will dictate what you do with your computer otherwise since they are the way you input everything. Do not skimp on comfort or anything with the keyboard. Hell, I'd buy the ugliest keyboard out there as long as it was the most comfortable and easiest to use that I have ever used.
SmokeRngs said:
All I can tell you is to go to stores that have keyboards on display. If allowed, pick them up and look them over. See if they are going to be sturdy or not. Also, do some typing on them. You need to be able to tell if it's going to be comfortable for you to type with, you have no problems getting to all the keys and if the tactile feedback is not enough or too much. Considering the only thing you may actually use more than your keyboard is your mouse, you need to make sure they both are comfortable and you like how they feel and work. These two things will dictate what you do with your computer otherwise since they are the way you input everything. Do not skimp on comfort or anything with the keyboard. Hell, I'd buy the ugliest keyboard out there as long as it was the most comfortable and easiest to use that I have ever used.

I second that.
Hummm, I like the coolermaster aluminum keyboard... not only is it the most stylin' keyboard, it has the most true-to-laptop key feel. Good stuff.
I have to say the Logitech Corded Elite is my favorite. I had 3 of them at one time. 1 was actually the wireless version and I sold it to a friend because the wireless was getting a lot of interference in my room. Now I have 2.
versello said:
Hummm, I like the coolermaster aluminum keyboard... not only is it the most stylin' keyboard, it has the most true-to-laptop key feel. Good stuff.

I got one of those at home. love it. especially coz I use my laptop at work and i prefer that style KB.

I have a nice IBM one too on another PC. would use it second to the coolermaster.
Believe it or not, I really like the cheapo Keytronic keyboards. I've never laid waste to one, and they have a great feel. Subjective, to be sure, but for $8.75 + shipping....these suckers rock. I buy them all the time for new PC's I start up for folks.

Party On - B.B.S.
Logitech DiNovo is definitely a sweet keyboard. I used one for a few weeks but ended up switching back to my Apple Pro Keyboard.
BlindedByScience said:
Believe it or not, I really like the cheapo Keytronic keyboards. I've never laid waste to one, and they have a great feel. Subjective, to be sure, but for $8.75 + shipping....these suckers rock. I buy them all the time for new PC's I start up for folks.
Party On - B.B.S.

maximum pc used the keytronic in thier ultimate gaming rig (one year ago) both for nastalgia and for the way the keyboard has feel. never used one but am curious. just a keyboard though but some swear by it :)
This is an incredibly subjective question. I have a keyboard that I really like but you may or may not like it.

There is really no nicest or best - it's whatever fits you the best.
IBM Model M is what I currently use. It definitely has the best performance, but in looks the DiNuvo beats it. That it's wireless is also a big plus.
I wish a wireless conversion kit for the Model M existed. The keyboard in itself is big enough to hold transmitter and batteries.
I recently bought a Logitech Cordless MX Duo and I really love the keyboard. It is comfortable and easy to type on, and the wireless feature is quite nice if you like typing with your feet up on your desk and don't want to mess with a cable.
My old El Cheapo Fujitsu corded keyboard. using it for a few years and stull really springy keys
The old-school Natural Keyboard Elite.

Or the Natural Elite Pros with USB ports, but otherwise identical to the Natural Elite. Too bad they're not on market anymore. *sob* (Friend of mine has one, I wish I'd gotten one when I had the chance.)
Gotta love the Model M keyboard. Damn thing won't break, has a nice responsive feel to the keys. You can poor liquid into the keys and it won't get into the electronics, and one the best features...no Windows key.

And I gotta agree with Ebsen, would love to have a wireless conversion for it.
Stiletto One said:
The old-school Natural Keyboard Elite.

Or the Natural Elite Pros with USB ports, but otherwise identical to the Natural Elite. Too bad they're not on market anymore. *sob* (Friend of mine has one, I wish I'd gotten one when I had the chance.)

I have three of the Natural Keyboard Elites. Too bad one of them is dead. I keep it around in case I manage to lose keys or something off the other two. Since I don't throw my keyboards across the room anymore I don't really have to worry as much about losing keys though.

I just wish there was one that weighed about twenty pounds and had mechanical keys. I'd be in heaven then.
i modded my own

flip the switch to phase one, theres white leds glowing and lighting up the bottom of it
Picture 2.jpg

Picture 4.jpg

flip the switch to phase two, two BRIGHT red leds shine over the keys and they're BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT.... hurts when you look at it in the center
Picture 5.jpg

Picture 6.jpg

ehh, the crappy webcam doesnt capture the intensity of the quality... its better in person