Whats the word on release dates for 5870X2 and 2gb version ?

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[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
After reading several reviews like this one, I am not so pumped up to run out right away for the 1gb 5870. Was wondering when the 2gb version will be out, and like to see the benches on that. Plus what about official release date and approx price of the 5870X2 ?

This conclusion sounds spot on;
Good review;

Quite honestly, after 18 months between the last and this generation it's not really a large enough jump in performance to make us very impressed by the performance for a £300 product. It's looking like ATI have made a GPU to fill the big shoes left by its RV770-based cards, which is no mean feat, and given the quantum leap in performance the HD 4000 series was over the HD 3000, it hasn't achieved it again in raw FPS this time around. That's not to say it's at all slow though: it's still the fastest single GPU product and if you want the fastest, most future proof product available we'd recommend it, however it's not an "I must upgrade now" product. We'd wait that one out.
How many threads do you need to create to downplay the HD5870 release?

I am trying to convince myself to get one :cool: I will go "Eyefinity" sometime this Fall for sure, I mainly play WoW and triple screen Warcraft would be fun, maybe get 3 - 1920x1080res screens. Just wonder if I should wait for something better ?
I am trying to convince myself to get one :cool: I will go "Eyefinity" sometime this Fall for sure, I mainly play WoW and triple screen Warcraft would be fun, maybe get 3 - 1920x1080res screens. Just wonder if I should wait for something better ?

Since you already have a fast card, I don't think that there is a rush for you to jump on the HD5870 bandwagon. At least you could wait for the official 9.10 driver, for the price to settle down and for stocks from a vendor like XFX. If you plan to sell your old card on eBay, now would be the best time to sell it.

However looking at your threads, I think that you are interested in something else other than buying the card.
LOL did you really think it needful to start 4 different threads on the same card?
dude you reposted the same exact same post in several different threads. Who are you trying to convince?
I posted this idea before and I'll post it again: Sell your current card(s) for $200ish, buy the 5870 for $400ish, when the 5890 comes out, sell your 5870 for $200ish, buy the 5890!
The Op's sig shows he's running an XFX 5870. LOL......

Quite honestly, after 18 months between the last and this generation it's not really a large enough jump in performance to make us very impressed by the performance for a £300 product. It's looking like ATI have made a GPU to fill the big shoes left by its RV770-based cards, which is no mean feat, and given the quantum leap in performance the HD 4000 series was over the HD 3000, it hasn't achieved it again in raw FPS this time around. That's not to say it's at all slow though: it's still the fastest single GPU product and if you want the fastest, most future proof product available we'd recommend it, however it's not an "I must upgrade now" product. We'd wait that one out.
X48 Asus Rampage
Q9650 Core 2 Quad
XFX Radeon HD 5870
8gb DDR2 Patriot Viper
Intel X25-M 80gb SSD
Silverstone TJ-03 case
3 Dell 2408WFP for triple screen gaming
Windows 7 Pro
My point in wanting this 5870X2, is because after having an Eyefinity setup, and wanting to max out game options, will need something will more power than a single 5870. My Brother also wants to go Eyefinity on his 3 - 20" monitors, so I will sell him this card.
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