What's up with Kotaku and their preachy articles lately?


Sep 5, 2001
TL;DR - scroll to the bottom

First off: I'm not a huge fan of Kotaku in the first place (yes, they're idiots as it regards PC gaming, I know. I KNOW), but I do peruse it regularly enough to notice a sort-of trend being established over there.

It seemed to start with Duke Nukem and the huge article published before their own review over that games' overt misogyny and 'sexist' content. Then, there was an article calling out the use of the word 'bitch' in the Catwoman sections in Arkham City. Then, another article regarding a panel that discussed male developers and female design stereotypes in games.

Now, they're on about all of the female characters in Arkham City being portrayed as too sexualized. I don't get it. Did they play the first game? If so, where was the outrage about Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn's outfits when Arkham Asylum debuted? Why is it a problem now, in the second game, from the same developer, carrying essentially the same characters over but dressing them differently?

There should be strong positive female role models in games, I agree. The video game industry, comic book industry, and most popcorn action flicks are all big proponents of the 'eye candy' standard for the large majority of their female characters that are put on display in the media that they produce, sure.

I know my viewpoint is flawed, because, I'm male and don't complain about super-attractive female characters that aren't that intellectually deep in my games. That said, my decision to play or enjoy a game isn't based on all of the female characters being equipped with huge ta-ta's and clad in skimpy outfits either. It's not even a bullet point in the reasons I play games, really. It's something that I judge based on the source. I expect female characters to be what they are based on the material. I consider the source.

A game like COD or Battlefield, about shooting everything that moves, and blowing everything to kingdom come isn't going to give me pause if the source material doesn't provide me with a strong heroine with staunch feminist viewpoints as a narrative addition.

A game like Mass Effect, rolling a female Commander Shepard, I expect that woman to be decisive, intelligent, and capable. Anything less would pull you directly out of the story and the world they've built around the character and the experience that got them to that point. Mass Effect may be a dodgy example due to the, um, attributes of certain supporting cast members, but you can sex up everybody on all sides in that game so maybe all is fair there?

I digress

My problem with Kotaku's new found feminist stance in certain articles is that, one, they have a severe double standard at play.

One - a semi-recent example that comes to mind is that they loved 'Shadows of the Damned'. That game was 12 hours of some the most immature dick jokes ever, rapid fire style. The female character in that game was never more than about 50% clothed for most of the game, and only when she wasn't being savagely torn to pieces by demons in brutal and disgusting fashion at multiple points in every chapter. Violence against women is, to me me personally, more offensive, but there wasn't really any mention of that in the review.

Was it 'ok' because of the horror setting at play in that game - Demons, hell, and creepy rape scenario's included. If so, why does the horror genre get a pass?

Two, they seem to lack focus in their message. They call for the industry as a whole to change it's ways across all games, but fail to address the core issues where, in a game like Arkham City, all the people calling Catwoman a 'bitch' are essentially insanely violent felons. Am I to expect all those people to speak eloquently while some willowy chick is bashing their heads into the concrete? Do all felons in the prison system treat women with respect and admiration, while speaking like ivy-league graduates during their incarceration?

Maybe the devs should have toned it down some, I'll find out this weekend when I play it.

Perhaps Kotaku should have called out the games' use of inappropriate amounts of 'bad' language in a T rated game, if it was so appalling, or instead addressed the concern of too-sexy characters and naughty language for the intended target audience. Instead, they went off preaching to the entire audience as adults for a game with material based on comic books, of all things, to suddenly take the high road. Are they supposed to reduce every female two cup sizes, and put all the characters in baggy, non-form fitting clothes.

Last I checked Batman and Robin wear skin tight body suits and have rippling ridiculous amounts muscles that would make a male stripper jealous. Wheres the outrage on perpetuating male body standards there? Are all the writers at Kotaku Abercrombie models who can't relate? (Note: they are not, if you've seen any of them)

I'm thinking, they should consider the source before hitting the soap box with a sledge maul. It smacks of wishy-washy and smells of double standards. Baiting for page views to be the one gaming site that 'takes a stand' for the females in the audience, especially when it's done so transparently, reeks of shallow journalism

I'm curious if anyone else has noticed that trend at play over there? If so, what do you think about it?


Kotaku seems to be putting out a wishy-washy double standard in articles addressing the quality of Female characters and strong Feminist values in gaming, and other entertainment industries

Kotaku seems to be guilty of speaking out of both sides of their mouth

Who cares, Kotaku is garbage, I don't give 2 shits what they think of gaming at all. They lost all credibility a long time ago when they decided to crap on PC gaming as a platform and writing articles about how PC gaming is dead.

Fuck Kotaku.
Kotaku is gaming journalism for the common retard, it's catered towards 10-14 year olds that idolise people like Lady Ga-Ga.

Delete it from your history and never go there again, never speak of it, never look at it, that is my advice.
All jokes aside. I don't read kotaku. Ive never found them specifically informative.
I honestly don't think there is any logic behind it; Kotaku is simply doing what they usually do -- nerd baiting to generate hits.
Jesus Fail, I know. Yeah, yeah, they suck because of "x" regarding PC gaming. I know, I KNOW. I probably could have written your response for you at this point regarding certain topics.

I don't just play PC games exclusively, and I'm not some elitist prick who gets my skirt in a wad because they think the Razer branded whatever it is was god's gift and they're idiots

I'm waiting on patches to finish after hours at work and that is one of the few gaming sites I have access to, strangely. It's like when you're stuck on the shitter and you need something to read, and you don't have your smartphone "Hey look, Stuff magazine"

Sure you might wipe your ass with it when you're finished, but it beats being bored ridiculous.

And sometimes, you just want to browse previews of upcoming games, like I was looking for tidbits about Arkham City. IGN I can't hardly stand and half of what comes across Joystiq is useless too. I would argue, Laffless, that IGN and their obviously slanted reviews are way worse than Kotaku's bullshit, at least they still hand out less than stellar reviews from time to time, most of them are bitchy and dumb, but meh, whatever, I guess with regardless to most gaming journalism sites.

Kotaku used to be Joystiq's edgier companion but after they got bought or redesigned, or something (can't recall) they started slanting towards these strange soapbox-y rants from time to time. So I've read it less and less down to like, once a week at this point

Anyways, if anybody who does actually reads the site wants to chime in, I'm still curious what people think.

Hell, I don't care if it turns into an 'I hate Kotaku' fest, but at least drop me a few alternatives when you're done.
I honestly don't think there is any logic behind it; Kotaku is simply doing what they usually do -- nerd baiting to generate hits.

Thank you for that, I'd say that sums it up in a fairly tidy package. It wouldn't stand out so much if it was their stance all the time. It really feels like saber rattling to start shit. The DNF article was some of the whiniest faux-pro feminist garbage I've ever really seen on a mainstream site, especially to have been written by a guy.

It was like his wife stood over his shoulder when he typed it, then they both went and watched a Grey's Anatomy marathon on the couch and had a good cry.
Anyways, if anybody who does actually reads the site wants to chime in, I'm still curious what people think.
Hell, I don't care if it turns into an 'I hate Kotaku' fest, but at least drop me a few alternatives when you're done.

Its a very good site for gaming news almost as fast as the neogaf forums. Their opinion pieces are definitively that. They also know nothing of pc gaming as a whole and their editorials reflect that. But as I said, if you want gaming news fast and don't want to troll neogaf they are a good resource.
That's my problem with Kotaku. On one hand, strictly for news they are very good if not one of the best resources. On the other, the vast majority of their articles are written solely to maximize visits one way or another. I decided not to visit them any more because I don't wont to support that sort of journalism... Especially after the articles such as the infamous Razer Blade presentation. These days I barely play my consoles any more and one of the only sites I visit is Rock, Paper Shotgun so I'm afraid I can't recommend you a good console gaming site...
it works for fox news so why not.

but, really my opinion is it is accelerating the devolution of society in to purely knee-jerk reaction state of being. who cares about critical thinking when you can be ruled by your emotions and easily manipulated.
magazines and news stations operate on a principal and that principal is get 50% of your base to hate you and 50% to love you and they'll come to voice their opinions either for or against. There is no room for middle ground or those who want to sit on the fence.

They write shit for the lowest common denominator and people will go to call them stupid and their lowest common denominator will come to their defense. This is why sychophants news, magazines, and radio shows stay in business. Fair and balanced doesn't really exist anywhere, even the internet.
magazines and news stations operate on a principal and that principal is get 50% of your base to hate you and 50% to love you and they'll come to voice their opinions either for or against. There is no room for middle ground or those who want to sit on the fence.

They write shit for the lowest common denominator and people will go to call them stupid and their lowest common denominator will come to their defense. This is why sychophants news, magazines, and radio shows stay in business. Fair and balanced doesn't really exist anywhere, even the internet.

You can witness that phenomenom here on this very forum, just look at some of the threads that go on here in the gaming section, also over there in the Video Card and Processors section, lol.
Who cares, Kotaku is garbage, I don't give 2 shits what they think of gaming at all. They lost all credibility a long time ago when they decided to crap on PC gaming as a platform and writing articles about how PC gaming is dead.

Fuck Kotaku.

Wait, people read Kotaku?

Kotaku is gaming journalism for the common retard, it's catered towards 10-14 year olds that idolise people like Lady Ga-Ga.

Delete it from your history and never go there again, never speak of it, never look at it, that is my advice.

Sums up Kotaku quite nicely.. forgot to mention Brian Crecente's a douche.
Kotaku is gaming journalism for the common retard, it's catered towards 10-14 year olds that idolise people like Lady Ga-Ga.

The pretentiousness in your post is staggering, 'enlightened one'.

I have no opinions on Kotaku, I don't even go to their website, it's just I like coming across comments like these which are only found on the internet, and quite frankly, they make me laugh (at not with the poster).
The pretentiousness in your post is staggering, 'enlightened one'.

I have no opinions on Kotaku, I don't even go to their website, it's just I like coming across comments like these which are only found on the internet, and quite frankly, they make me laugh (at not with the poster).

He's actually correct.

Kotaku IS targeting the common retard segment.
The pretentiousness in your post is staggering, 'enlightened one'.

I have no opinions on Kotaku, I don't even go to their website, it's just I like coming across comments like these which are only found on the internet, and quite frankly, they make me laugh (at not with the poster).

Hahaha wow, you mad bro? It's my opinion man, and many people here seem to agree with me. Run along ;)

In all seriousness Gawker media's Gadget blog, (the people that own kotaku) Gizmodo, is actually readable and has some interesting articles. Kotaku on the other hand is painful reading obviously aimed at the mass-market retard gamer, it's just how it is, they want the most hits, there is no quality there, the writers try so hard to be 'edgy'.... There are much, much better gaming blogs out there
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I think of Kotaku as journalistic buffoonery for the lowest common denominator buffoons.
He's actually correct.

Kotaku IS targeting the common retard segment.

Yeah I'm sure the readers flail their arms around when walking - whilst drooling. :rolleyes:

Hahaha wow, you mad bro? It's my opinion man, and many people here seem to agree with me. Run along ;)

Like I said - I was laughing, not mad. If you honestly believe people who like this hobby called gaming are actually retards for reading reviews - then it says more about you than it says about then.
No, you don't understand. it's the writers I have a 'problem' with.

I'm a gamer, It's my hobby, I also read a lot, over time I become critical (like anyone would) about the quality/content of anything I read, especially if said article is about something that I know quite a lot about.

All of those things combined together form what's called an opinion (what I posted above) I hope you understand now. Thanks for listening.
No, you don't understand. it's the writers I have a 'problem' with.

I'm a gamer, It's my hobby, I also read a lot, over time I become critical (like anyone would) about the quality/content of anything I read, especially if said article is about something that I know quite a lot about.

All of those things combined together form what's called an opinion (what I posted above) I hope you understand now. Thanks for listening.

I actually am also critical, I just find the whole 'they're retards!' argument over the top. Not a very constructive way of saying the content is shit.
The pretentiousness in your post is staggering, 'enlightened one'.

I have no opinions on Kotaku, I don't even go to their website, it's just I like coming across comments like these which are only found on the internet, and quite frankly, they make me laugh (at not with the poster).

Hahaha wow, you mad bro? It's my opinion man, and many people here seem to agree with me. Run along ;)

In all seriousness Gawker media's Gadget blog, (the people that own kotaku) Gizmodo, is actually readable and has some interesting articles. Kotaku on the other hand is painful reading obviously aimed at the mass-market retard gamer, it's just how it is, they want the most hits, there is no quality there, the writers try so hard to be 'edgy'.... There are much, much better gaming blogs out there

and once again my point is reaffirmed :cool:
Not really, I defended no one. You just need someone to come in here to defend Kotaku for your prophecy to become fact. :p
Not really, I defended no one. You just need someone to come in here to defend Kotaku for your prophecy to become fact. :p

Hehe, I know. The premise remains sound though. It is just basically shock journalism, someone says something so outlandish then someone else comes along to be the voice of reason and the cycle starts.

Fail understands this as his posts are pretty damn polarizing. He could say the sky is gray and he would instantly have a 20 page thread arguing with him over the various shades of color the sky could be and generally the 20 pages would be 4 or 5 forum posters against him with a variety of other posters chiming in on their thoughts about clouds, unicorns, and perfect weather for fishing in their underwear. :p
After articles like this one, (Yes, that's a real article) I can only hope that Kotaku either falls off the face of the earth or gets a SERIOUS staff overhaul.
The OP spent a lot of effort and energy on something that simply doesn't deserve it.
The OP spent a lot of effort and energy on something that simply doesn't deserve it.

Ever had to wait on a patch run to deploy across a medium sized companies' infrastructure of computers?

It was that, or, bang my head on my desk just to have something else to do. Didn't take much effort, it's just sometimes I notice something and need a brain dump. You guys are usually entertaining participants in the past, so the effort is almost always rewarded.

/shrugs/ and now here I am on saturday, stuck here til' noon reaping the rewards. It's all good.
Fixed. Is there any site on the Gawker Network worthy of getting hits?

I don't hate Gizmodo or IO9. I don't check either one of them on a daily basis, but I don't hate them when I scan through on occasion. I hit up Giz for info on new tablets and phones if I'm curious about specs or features.

IO9 just posts random stuff from left field most of the time, so it's entertaining on occasion. I find the uproxx collection of writers more entertaining on the whole
Ever had to wait on a patch run to deploy across a medium sized companies' infrastructure of computers?

Thank God, no. ;)

It was that, or, bang my head on my desk just to have something else to do. Didn't take much effort, it's just sometimes I notice something and need a brain dump. You guys are usually entertaining participants in the past, so the effort is almost always rewarded.

Good enough. :)

/shrugs/ and now here I am on saturday, stuck here til' noon reaping the rewards. It's all good.

Good deal. Hope you have a nice weekend. :)
Units the gawker network, what do you expect? Io9 is the only worthwhile site, and that's just for their scifi movie/tv/book previews.