Whats with the influx of zombie shooters?

Zombies are in vogue at the moment. Same as BACON LOL BACON and all the pirates/ninjas shite.
Zombie panic has been around for years and is just a source mod, L4D is nearly a year old and killing floor is not even out yet. Not exactly what i would call flooding the market.

All you really have is L4D and RE5 even on the market.
Here's a possible reason:

Nazis are easy bad guys, but WWII is out of vogue. So now they trot out the zombies, they're politically correct (unless they're black), easy to kill, fun to kill, and plentiful!

Zombies have always been around in games at pretty much any time in gaming history. But at this particular time, several games that had planned to feature zombies have all hit at the same time and have done a good job with them!

These games have been in development for several years. For them to all hit at the same time and still be good games, they were all developing zombie-combat gameplay at the same time. It's mostly a coincidence that several high profile games have limelighted zombies, there's plenty of lesser known zombie appearances that would not have drawn so much attention without L4D, Cod5, RE5, drawing attention to the zombie-killing action.

Killing ground has been developing for awhile now. Zombie panic has been around for awhile already. Numerous flash-based zombie-survivor games before L4d, Cod5, and RE5. Saints row 2 has a zombie battle mini-game. These minor appearances of zombies combined don't really seem like a trend of Zombie popularity, but these minor appearances combined with L4d, Cod5, and Re5 releasing in close sucession seems like a wave of zombie gaming media.
Would make the respawning checkpoints make sense. Then again I can't figure out how to justify the zombies getting into jeeps and chasing you down the road.

Regression of T-Virus, like the last Resident Evil! Duh!
yea its only fun cause you are playing with friends. I grew tired of it fast as well. After one night of Survival I was bored with that too.

Needs more maps..

same... played the free trial last weekend and while it was fun for a little while, I wouldn't spend more than 15.00 on it.

just didn't really care for it all that much... TF2 is cheaper and a far better game IMO
If you aren't playing L4D with a regular group of friends (even if just friends made online) in versus and survivor mode primarily, then you have no idea what the game is like. A one day trial doesn't even BEGIN to cut it.
And if you don't have a group of friends willing to plunk down on L4D, a one day trial will cover the entire game.
we have a group of friends.... on tuesday nights we play....
unfortunately there are 6 of us sometimes... so we breakup into teams..

now I agree the game is boring if you play by yourself.... AI isnt that smart, you cant control them and point them as they follow your lead...

you cant just run through the game... gotta enjoy it.. but not at too slow of a pace or they will take you out...

so we play campaign with friends....
lately we have added the custom maps.. some are pretty cool, some are complete and some are to screw with you.... my bud died (out of the 4 of us) and no respawn (locked doors) to get him from.... all of a sudden I saw... Cheats ON and was like UH OHHHHH

and viola.... 3 tanks, 1 boomer, 2 hunters.... we didnt last long and he laughed it up...

I just plaid survival mode... VERY TOUGH!!!! best we got was a bronze.... definitely needs strategy.... my strat is use double pistoles until tank or overwhelming hord comes... then auto shotty.... WOW!!! but keep it reloaded as best as you can so it doesnt take long to reload.... heal eachother...that way they protect u while you heal them....

the game at first was very lame... out of the box... 4 levels and you can jump anywhere on the map..... soooooo friends time it is...
when I do play and not with my friends... I find people that are fun to play with and add them as friends... either join their game or invite them to mine.... gets pretty cool....

Ya will see me up on PC..... JesterJeff69 ... add me on steam if ya want.!!!!

there are left4dmaps out there... google it...
there was also a mod that allowed more people... like 12 of them... I found it but they arent giving the files anymore..... yeah 12 is too much.. but we play 4 on normal.... could do 6 on advanced or if feeling lucky... expert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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THey have a lot of appeal because you can create such an epic scale. 100s of zombies 4 of you and yet you survive.
Anyone who has experience with Killing Floor, would it be a good recommendation to get? It's 14.99 on Steam atm.
With all the news of Somali pirates - I'd really like to see a good Pirates type game again, but with todays graphics.
It's true that we can see zombies everywhere! It's just because the majority of players love zombies!!! Zombies generate cash for the game's developpers!!!!
There is an influx of Zombie Shooters so people are prepared for the aftermath of swine flu.
Zombies are fairly anonymous and less likely to offend anyone.