What’s your favorite and least favorite Biome/Goegraphic Locations in video games?


Limp Gawd
May 21, 2012
I’ll start. I’ve always hated desert areas and snowy mountain areas in video games. They seem too bland and not very exciting to me. I’m more of a lush forest with wildlife and rivers type of person.
You must of never experienced Deceit or Wind Mountain in Ultima Online.
I like creative "mad scientist lair"-type locations in games. With natural environments you have an idea of what you can expect, but in man-made ones you don't know what insanity you'll find around the next corner. Far Cry's genetics research labs were pretty fun to traverse through. Doom 3 and Singularity were also interesting.

If we're only considering natural environments, then I think I like lush tropical island the best also. Depending on what fantasy, scifi, and/or supernatural elements are thrown in though, games with caves, deserts, or cold mountain areas can sometimes be interesting. I think the Tomb Raider series, for one, succeeded in making those kinds of environments compelling.
Can't say I have a favorite, but jungles and forests have always bothered me for some reason. Act 3 in Diablo 2 is one of my most hated environments in all gaming. Similar deal with Acts 3 and Atlantis in Titan Quest.
I've always been a fan of locations that look like liveable spaces. Or have specific functions independent of being just an arena for me to play in. Of course that can go to far in the other direction where I'll get caught up on a stray piece of geometry. Those are mostly FPS examples so let me go back to the arcade days with my least favorite environment, almost exclusively featured in beatem-ups.
The Elevator level. Not to be confused with the giant conveyer belt level. They're usually one after the other.
Can't say I have a favorite, but jungles and forests have always bothered me for some reason. Act 3 in Diablo 2 is one of my most hated environments in all gaming. Similar deal with Acts 3 and Atlantis in Titan Quest.

Those still give me flashbacks. And exploding dolls from end of act 3.
I can say what I really LIKE in recent both AAA and indie games - shop designs! RE Village had a fun one, so were things like Enter the Gungeon and Noita.
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favourite: dark forests, something spooky with puddles and fuzzy trees and mushrooms and shit...
least favourite: flat deserts, just sand as far as the eye can see, no vegetation or notin'... super boring... I even prefer those insanely large procedural fields in elder scrolls daggerfall
favourite: dark forests, something spooky with puddles and fuzzy trees and mushrooms and shit...
least favourite: flat deserts, just sand as far as the eye can see, no vegetation or notin'... super boring... I even prefer those insanely large procedural fields in elder scrolls daggerfall