What's your least favorite section of Half-Life 2?


Aug 9, 2004
For me this is easy. Ravenholm without a doubt. It just seems out of place to me. It seems like they were trying to make it creepy but I didn't find it scary at all. It was too slow paced for my tastes and just didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the game.

It's like Water Hazard moved along at a breakneck pace outdoors in the sun and then everything comes to a grinding halt as we get out of Black Mesa East and enter Ravenholm at night. Then once we finish the level, we're thrust back out into a vehicle during the daytime for more fast paced driving and shooting action.

I always seem to stop playing for a while after Water Hazard because I know Ravenholm is coming up and I know it's going to bore me.

How about you guys? Which part of what many consider last year's game of the year (me included) did you like least?
Least favorite: Route Kanal... Boring.

Favorite: Ravenholm... some nice moments, and some not so nice moments. Some parts of Water Hazard are really intense. I'm not sure which I like better. But then controlling the Antlions was pretty cool. Also let's not forget the last level with the super gravity gun.

I can't choose.... :(
The last part right before Nova Prospek (or how ever they spell it). I hate going on foot to clear out those bunkers. Especially when the dumb ant lions get in my way and I kill them instead of my shotgun blast killing the combine guy I was aiming for.
I do like the very end of that section when you start going up the hill. I love shooting the combine from directly below them with the crossbow... I always try to see how much air I can get them (pretty cool pegging them to the wall with their feet at eye level, hehehe).
canels. I mean it WAS fun. But then just felt TOOO long :)

I like Ravenholm. I thought it was pretty freaky.
A lot of the game was un-enjoyable to me. A lot of scenes didn't seem to fit, and the story was too "Do it yourself"ish for my tastes. I like to be part of a story, not make one up in my head that I think they're going for.

Also, a lot of it was a [madtv]"look what I can do!" [/madtv] with the graphics. If they spent more time on the game and less on the graphics, it would have gotten an A+ from me. The 10 or so boards where you are on that air-boat thingy were waaaay too long for my tastes. After the 3-4th loading scene I said "Enough already, I want my guns back. I get the point, you have nice graphics, can we move along with the game now?".
I like the first bit of action when you first get your crowbar and pistol and smg. My least favorite was probaly The buggy the ant lions were cool though.
I thought the middle of the airboat section dragged a bit. Once they really started to throw obstacles at you (helicopters, mines, falling smokestacks, etc.) it became much more interesting. If they had cut out a bit of the middle of the airboat levels I think it would have flowed better.
I didn't like the part before you enter Nova Prospek where you have to shoot down those two flying helicopter things at once.. I died so many times there haha
I didnt like the part where I had to stop playing 'cause I needed to eat ..

..the next part that I didnt like was the part where I had to stop "AGAIN" ..to go outside and get some sunshine because I was getting pale and borderline anemic..
Although the buggy part of the game was fun at times, it seemed too long and did get boring. Overall, I really enjoyed the game.
driving the airraft boat thing. that just sucked.

ravenholm was AWESOME.....definatly my favorite part of the game.
the worst part for me was the loading in the middle of the action. ie. water boat launches into the air and.....LOADING!!!
-Sean Casey said:
The last part right before Nova Prospek (or how ever they spell it). I hate going on foot to clear out those bunkers. Especially when the dumb ant lions get in my way and I kill them instead of my shotgun blast killing the combine guy I was aiming for.
I agree, except I learned to throw the bugbait in the middle of a bunch of combine-guys. Just pop around the corner, throw the bugbait, duck back and let the antlions do their thing. It might take a while, and they might kill a whole stack of antlions, but eventually they'll get eaten. Just hang out, reload and polish your guns, and by the time you comeback around the corner, all is well!
I hated Ravenholm, it was too fricken scary! I can't play that at night, or sometimes in the daytime, it just scares the hell out of me too much
Bugalaman said:
I hated Ravenholm, it was too fricken scary! I can't play that at night, or sometimes in the daytime, it just scares the hell out of me too much

Heh, seems people get mixed feelings about Ravenholm... Personally I play it at night with all the lights off and headphones on. I still do a quick jump every now and then when those fast zombies jump at me. Well at least until I click the right mousebutton with the shotgun aimed at their head.

I like when they climb the pipes. I just stand at the top and right as their head pops up *boom*. They flyback pretty far as they fall :)
DandyBear said:
The End i thought was poor.

Ahhh LOVED the end! How can ya hate it!!?? (I know I know it's opinion) :)

Loved how everything looked. Loved how there is no boss except if you want to call it the structure itself. I love the open ending leaving room for a sequal and more questions. I like how it wasn't insanely hard. That's just me :)

I just hope for the FINAL Half life game (say like part 4 or 5) game made they will tell everything.
I know I'll never hear the end of this one.. but for me its most of it so far.

I only just started playing after I let the hype settle. So far Its really not living up to the hype for me.

Dont get me wrong, its got some wicked graphics and everything seems to click.. But the story and and hole find which way to go thing get old really quick.
the boat and the buggy are stupid crap I could have done without. Now if you could drive a spider tank now there would have been something cool.
I felt very let down by the bit running up to the very end, where they keep you in that stupid little pod for what seems like ages.

As for the end battle, it was definately anti-climactic, and is only forgivable if new content is imminent, be it HL3 or some kind of expansion, if it doesn't feed quickly and directly into new story/action I'll be very annoyed.

Also, I thought the airboat section had one "get out and push the button" interlude too many.
My least favourite part: The entire thing, with an emphasis on the ending.
Gillette said:
My least favourite part: The entire thing, with an emphasis on the ending.
woah, we found the only person on this planet that doesn't like HL2!
ThreeDee said:
I didnt like the part where I had to stop playing 'cause I needed to eat ..

..the next part that I didnt like was the part where I had to stop "AGAIN" ..to go outside and get some sunshine because I was getting pale and borderline anemic..

yeah, but you only had to poke your head out of a cardboard box right? How are you runnin' your connectivity from in there anyway?
ravenholm was good but too long. I am crossing this stupid bridge back and forth and it is really pissing me off.
The buggy was the one that irritated me the most. Especially that stupid cannon on it. Wasn't very accurate nor was it very powerful. I wasn't expecting a howitzer or anything but accuracy would have been nice. I couldn't stand the number of times I was zoomed in on something and fired...but missed. :rolleyes:
Bugalaman said:
woah, we found the only person on this planet that doesn't like HL2!
Wrong, I find it pretty damn boring myself. I'm at the contol room part and have no desire to keep playing.
The end. It had its place, but it went on too long. The others (airboat/buggy) were a bit long but enjoyable all the way through. They did throw different things at you the whole time.
I'm the Dude said:
yeah, but you only had to poke your head out of a cardboard box right? How are you runnin' your connectivity from in there anyway?

...I got me some high grade tin cans on some uber fine tightly wound string ... doesnt work all that great when it rains tho.
I wasn't a big fan of Nova Prospekt. It took a good two weeks of on and off of playing to finally get through it. There was something about it. But now I am just flying through the rest of the game. It is wonderful.
Hard to find a definate worst bit, each area seemed to lack in some way or had some anoying atribute. What does it say about HL2 when its hard to pick a bad point?

HL3 should hopfully be a lot better singleplayer.
I don't know the names of the levels but I hated it towards the end when they introduced some freedom fighters to fight with you but you were in tight buildings and what not. It was ok once the levels openned up a bit but damn.... with all the hoopla sorrounding the physics and AI and realism.... why are they so freaking stupid. I had totally had enough and I wanted to kill them all. Then of course, I could not.. they don't take damage from you. Ho-hum when it supposed to be all revolutinary and you just want to pop caps into your "friends" domes. Yeah you can supposedly point them out of your way but it's cumbersome and only takes a matter of seconds before they are in your face again. They should patch it up. Need like a push button or something because when you need to retreat you want them to know that you are telling them not to touch themselves but get the fuck out of the way. You'd think running against them they would try to move. Oh he must be humping my leg while getting shot in the back. Die team die!!!
texuspete00 said:
I don't know the names of the levels but I hated it towards the end when they introduced some freedom fighters to fight with you but you were in tight buildings and what not. It was ok once the levels openned up a bit but damn.... with all the hoopla sorrounding the physics and AI and realism.... why are they so freaking stupid. I had totally had enough and I wanted to kill them all. Then of course, I could not.. they don't take damage from you. Ho-hum when it supposed to be all revolutinary and you just want to pop caps into your "friends" domes. Yeah you can supposedly point them out of your way but it's cumbersome and only takes a matter of seconds before they are in your face again. They should patch it up. Need like a push button or something because when you need to retreat you want them to know that you are telling them not to touch themselves but get the fuck out of the way. You'd think running against them they would try to move. Oh he must be humping my leg while getting shot in the back. Die team die!!!

you can control were you send them w/"c". if they were in my way i just sent them some place away from me...
I always used them to draw fire :)

At least they don't refuse orders...

Gordon: "Go run out there in front of the Strider while I launch a rocket"
Them: "Uh ok" *runs in front of the strider* "arrgh!" *dies*
Gordon: "Oops forgot rocket ammo... NEXT!!!!"

Hey they keep respawning so might was well use them as bait.
-Sean Casey said:
I always used them to draw fire :)

At least they don't refuse orders...

Gordon: "Go run out there in front of the Strider while I launch a rocket"
Them: "Uh ok" *runs in front of the strider* "arrgh!" *dies*
Gordon: "Oops forgot rocket ammo... NEXT!!!!"

Hey they keep respawning so might was well use them as bait.

LOL! So much for advanced AI :p

I hate the beach jumping puzzle, I just sprinted through the damn level.
to the "unpaying" and never forgetting what a forum is:

but if any game sux, get coding yourself! specially since many don't even pay for games in the first place! you have no right to bitch!

I thought some of the long scripting scenes were a bit much but HL2 is way better than anything I've ever coded! it was worth the $. 'nuff said!