What's your least favorite section of Half-Life 2?

i hated the fact that you couldn't hack all the NPCs to bits with the crowbar or sink a slug into their skull. i'm sick, i know.

sure picking cans and tossing them around was fun...for a while, but i missed messing around with the innocents.

i also like to hear the sound of the crowbar hitting a dead corpse at a fast pace.

sick, i told you.

worst level/part? ravenholm
best? any part with the striders
My first comment after finishing the game in less than 10 hours was: "They spent six years and that's all of it?"

If I knew how short the game is, that multiplayer is full of cheaters and stupid kiddies, and that stupid Steam being required for single player then I would never preorder the game.

Worst $50 I've ever spent.
Bugalaman said:
woah, we found the only person on this planet that doesn't like HL2!

didnt like the game much myself. never bothered to finish the game was just the same shit over and over again. fighting the same predictable enemies over and over again. rinse and repeat
Bugalaman said:
woah, we found the only person on this planet that doesn't like HL2!
to all of you quoting Bugalaman....

it was sarcasm. he was joking. you need to quit responding like he didn't know ;)
DemonDiablo said:
didnt like the game much myself. never bothered to finish the game was just the same shit over and over again. fighting the same predictable enemies over and over again. rinse and repeat
bingo.. Im bout half way through now (i think)... just uninstalled it... doing nothing for me..

Game of the year from a technical POV perhaps... All round game? Definately not. Farcry had the looks and was much more fun in my opinion.
The end, inside that skyscraper contraption. Ray Charles coulda' got through that level....boooooring.
did anyone else notice it had way too many puzzles? c'mon now i like solving shit as much as you can but i get paid to do that, un return i use my hard earned money to blow shit to pieces and yes sometimes the odd joint kekekek ;D but it was a nice game even ran nice on my second comp specs in sig
ATW said:
The end, inside that skyscraper contraption. Ray Charles coulda' got through that level....boooooring.

I liked it from the perspective of using the super grav gun but you're right...it was way too linear. Especially for supposedly being such a huge and complex structure it was way to easy to navigate through.
SKiTLz said:
bingo.. Im bout half way through now (i think)... just uninstalled it... doing nothing for me..

Game of the year from a technical POV perhaps... All round game? Definately not. Farcry had the looks and was much more fun in my opinion.
Werd X2. Farcry was much more fun, I never finished that one. I keep telling myself I'm going to start over and play it again.
ya, the game was ok but you have to admit some of the effects, the gravity gun and the variety of stages were cool enough to make you go "whoa"
i can't manage to stay alive in that room where i have to set up the turrets and i'm getting swarmed by the guys, so i haven't played it in a while. that's the least favorite section for me so far
Dome said:
i can't manage to stay alive in that room where i have to set up the turrets and i'm getting swarmed by the guys, so i haven't played it in a while. that's the least favorite section for me so far

I had forgotten about that part, it was the only real part where I had to redo it many times. I finally hid in that tiny corner room on the side with one turret in with me and the rest in the hallway hiding behind those short wall partitions. Anyone came in the doorway of the room and the turret or my shotgun got 'em. I was surprised nobody threw a grenade in, but I picked a few off from the doorway just in case.
Least Favorite: The air boat level. To me, it just became tedious and repetitive at times.

Favorite: Ravenholm. I enjoyed this level as it let me wonder and fool around with things at my own pace. Nothing really kept respawning or crap wasnt constantly being thrown at me (ie nagging CP gaurds).

The Freedom fighter levels near the end were the worst IMHO. There's a level where you are up ontop of a building trying to kill striders with a rocket launcher. I had to replay that portion multiple times before finally finishing it. No fun.

Some of the prison level sucked as well, but I REALLY, REALLY loved using the Ant-lions as weapons.
Dome said:
i can't manage to stay alive in that room where i have to set up the turrets and i'm getting swarmed by the guys, so i haven't played it in a while. that's the least favorite section for me so far
That part was pretty easy. The turrets did all the work.
Least favorite? Had to be the damn road you had to drive along for hours. Enough already. The ocean had no great special effects like in water hazzard, and the repetitive slaughtering of the combine and ant lions got old way too fast.

Anyway, Ravenholm was designed and presented well, but didn't fit in with the game at all.
Playing thru it a second time, I realize how much I disliked the buggy. Something about the stop and go-ness of it pissed me off. Oh well, I still enjoy the game overall.
I lost all interest in the game when i hit Ravenholme, but i plan on finishing it eventually.
Wolf-R1 said:
I liked it from the perspective of using the super grav gun but you're right...it was way too linear. Especially for supposedly being such a huge and complex structure it was way to easy to navigate through.

Well honestly, what architect would sit down and say "Let's make this building as complex and hard to navigate as possible". Sure it's just a game, but it doesn't really make since for the Combine to make there headquarters easy to get lost in. Them soldiers don't seem all that smart as it is, I don't think it would be in their best interest to make there hideout some kind of maze :D.
Air boat sequence would all to long. Buggy sequence was also a bit long and the buggy had very poor handling as well so it wasn´t very enjoyable to drive. Except for those well the ending was a bit poor but then the whole story in the game sucked.

But honestly the airboat sequence especially because it was so early in the game just wanted to go out as soon as possible so you could continue with what HL 2 was really about. It would have been perfect if it was cut to 33 % of the air boat sequence.
huxley said:
ya, the game was ok but you have to admit some of the effects, the gravity gun and the variety of stages were cool enough to make you go "whoa"

Sorry never got that far in the game. Got bored with the tediousness of the air boat level way back when.

Personaly I dont know how anybody can knock on Doom 3 when HL2 was just as repitious :( (good thing the game was free or I would be really angry)
HL2 was a great game to play once, or maybe twice. Absolutely no replay value....But overall worth your time to play at least once. I didn't like the airboat so much, nor did I like Nova Prospekt, it was just a massive maze, confusing....But yea definately worth your time...if not for the Game itself, for the Graphics and physics...
Heh, I loved the Airboat sequence, and I've enjoyed playing through it more than once.
I didn't like Ravenholm. I got lost for a couple of hours, and didn't like how it fit into the game. It felt more like a leftover tech demo than a part of Half-life 2.

Route Kanal and the highway section more than make up for it, though.
I liked the end, pretty awesome when you look up at the thing :p. I bet i wasnt the only one to say Oh S***. But I have to agree the canals took forever, I thought I die just wondering if there was a end near.
I still need to play this game had it since it came out basically and have only played the first couple levels. WoW and CS:S are more fun :)
I found it overall a really fun game but i thought that the canal part dragged on for a bit too long. Only other part i found a tad dull is the prison bit, just went on and on heh. Awesome game, but yer, just a few draggy on bits.
First time through I thought Water Hazard was awfully long. Playing it through a second time now and Water Hazard seemed shorter and more fun. I was a bit dissapointed in the end. Only one weapon, not a lot of enemies, too many 100/200 quick power-ups, and too easy of an ending. Overall, best FPS I've played in a while. Haven't tried FarCry yet but will probably soon since I just saw it at Target for $19.95.

On another note. Last night, on G4/TechTV, show started with clips HL1, CS:S, couple other weird older games, then did HL2 as well as what appeared to be two HL2 expansions. They started off with the G-man saying welcome back, then Gordon, Barney, and others fighting their way through streets that were definitely NOT from the game I have. Next segment started with Gordon looking at Alyx in Kleiner's lab and her saying something like "what's wrong Gordon, why're you staring at me like that?" She then went on to say stuff about this being the best chance to deal a major blow to the Combine. Anyone have any info on these?
