What's your slot?

What type of video slot does your MAIN computer have in it RIGHT NOW?

  • AGP

    Votes: 57 38.0%
  • PCIe

    Votes: 90 60.0%
  • PCI / Integrated / Other

    Votes: 3 2.0%

  • Total voters


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2004
With the "discussion" (and I use the term VERY loosely) going on in the other thread, I thought I'd see if we can get a count of what people are actually running in their main rig RIGHT NOW. Not next week, last week, or 2 months from now....now.

Have at. I think this'll be interesting.

I do not own any motherboard that has an AGP slot in it. I also haven't in almost two years. Additionally I own no AGP video cards.

I've been with the [H] for a year writing motherboard reviews, and I have never reviewed a motherboard that had an AGP slot on it.
AGP. I'm holding on to my Barton for another year until quad cores come down to reasonable prices (assuming quad core prices will be inflated when they're released).
Well, stupid compaq went and left out the AGP slot of my computer my parents gracally bought me 3 years ago, so Right now im stuck with a 9200SE PCI! Yippie........
I have 4 slots on my mobo

1 - PCI-E 16X
1 - PCI-E 4X
2 - PCI-E 1X
3 - PCI

My ATI card uses the first slot.
Hello uzor :)

I was reading that thread late last night and wanted to say something but was too tired. I totally agree with you... AGP is being killed off. There's still plenty of performance in the AGP interface, it's just anything now or next gen is PCIe. I still have AGP and obviously if I upgrade I will go PCIe... but I dont really have a choice now do I?

If before I do a complete system upgrade, a good DX10 card comes out on AGP, I would most definitely consider it. As I still like my current rig and don't need the absolute best. I'm sure there's plenty of people that are in a similar position, thus making a market for DX10 AGP cards.

Anyways I saying this in the wrong thread :rolleyes:

uzor said:
Notice I said MAIN computer.


Being able to read is one thing, comprehension is something completely different!!!!

I also agree with you... AGP isn't DYING, it's being KILLED off.

I had SLI at one point, but that was a long time ago.

*Reminisces with pictures*
Main: MSI Diamond Plus
2nd Rig/file server: Intel 865DGBF
HTPC: Biostar Socket A AGP
Finally went PCI-E just 2 months ago. Had to change motherboards JUST for the PCI-E slot, makes me kind of regret having built a NF-3 setup almost 2 years ago. Should have just went PCI-E then.
merlin704 said:
I still have an AGP based system. Why should I upgrade when my [email protected] and X800XTPE plays everything with max settings?

Are you telling me you get acceptable FPS in FEAR with everything maxed out at 1600x1200 or even 1280x1024? Even with soft shadows disabled, I doubt you could maintain a minimum of 30FPS through out the entire game. How much AA and AF are you using in these games? If you are using low AA and AF, you aren't "maxed"

What about Quake 4? At 1680x1050 I can't maintain the smoothest FPS on my machine with one X1950XTX. Of course I am using V-Sync, and it never goes to an unplayable level, but there is a drop in performance compared to my dual 7900GTX SLi setup. At my resolution and settings, I wouldn't consider the game set to "max" quality.

As far as I am concerned none of the hardware today can play every game out there at truely "maxed" settings.

"Maxed" to me is the maximum resolution, and AA and AF the game supports. With all details and options on full. I probably would make an exception for FEAR's soft shadows as they don't seem to do much of anything, except hurt performance.
Dan_D said:
Are you telling me you get acceptable FPS in FEAR with everything maxed out at 1600x1200 or even 1280x1024? Even with soft shadows disabled, I doubt you could maintain a minimum of 30FPS through out the entire game. How much AA and AF are you using in these games? If you are using low AA and AF, you aren't "maxed"

What about Quake 4? At 1680x1050 I can't maintain the smoothest FPS on my machine with one X1950XTX. Of course I am using V-Sync, and it never goes to an unplayable level, but there is a drop in performance compared to my dual 7900GTX SLi setup. At my resolution and settings, I wouldn't consider the game set to "max" quality.

As far as I am concerned none of the hardware today can play every game out there at truely "maxed" settings.

"Maxed" to me is the maximum resolution, and AA and AF the game supports. With all details and options on full. I probably would make an exception for FEAR's soft shadows as they don't seem to do much of anything, except hurt performance.

Perhaps I should clarify: Max settings in the games that "I" play. :)
lloose said:
Solitare pwns your soxorz!11!1 on widescreen.. :rolleyes:

How mature! I guess if I lived at home with my mommy and daddy, didn't have a real job or bills to pay then I could have the latest and greatest too!
Meh, as I get older I find that I care less for image quality, I have two 7900GTs and I was playing Dark Messiah multiplayer beta and I just turned aa off and at only 1280x960, but then while the game runs fine at that resolution it runs pretty crappy at higher resolutions or settings, on pretty much all machines.
shadow1988 said:
merlin are you from NC? i see that 704..... and i use pci-E by the way

No sir! South Texas here.:) 704 is my birthdate.
Main: MSI K8N Diamond Plus running SLI 7900GTXs.
Laptop: PCI-E interface, but obviously not slot :)
If it weren't for that inheritance I would be in AGP land cause I used to have an A8V Deluxe.
VGplay said:
AGP. I'm holding on to my Barton for another year until quad cores come down to reasonable prices (assuming quad core prices will be inflated when they're released).
I am with this guy, and the other who had the x800xtpe and said he played everything at max settings.

I as well am able to play my games (FEAR, COD2, Far Cry, HL2, Doom 3, etc) at my monitors highest resolution, with high quality enabled in the drivers, with supersampling AA (usually set to 4x) with 16x Antialiasing and so forth. That is what I could consider max for me as i do not have a 300" lcd that does 2543000 x 126754 resolution. I AM going to upgrade, but not every 3 months like some people here. I am very happy with my NON-BOTTLENECKED, NON-BANDWIDTH starved AGP card.

I don't mean to say that my next rig will be AGP, obviously not, however; why buy next gen, when you can wait and get next, next gen.
I only upgraded because AGP cards cost more than the PCIe board + PCIe card. I was bullied into upgrading. PCIe wasn't needed IMO except for the SLIer folks.

1 PCIe (main system)
3 AGP (wife's PC, 333 celery win98 box, HTPC box)
merlin704 said:
Perhaps I should clarify: Max settings in the games that "I" play. :)

Fair enough. As long as you are happy with your card and system, that is all that matters.
uzor said:
Notice I said MAIN computer.

Well, I have both slots and they are both in my MAIN PC and they are both on the same motherboard. :D


ULi 1695 FTW!
I have both.. in one computer. And Use them both too.

Asrock 939dual-sata2.

Secondary pc has SLI.
You guys sporting both AGP and PCIe on one board do know that isn't really AGP right? It's PCI rewired to AGP pinout. There's no DiME, and no sideband addressiing. And they have to share bandwidth with the other PCI devices. (with the exception of the ULi 1695 )

By the way, I'm PCIe
Dan_D said:
Are you telling me you get acceptable FPS in FEAR with everything maxed out at 1600x1200 or even 1280x1024? Even with soft shadows disabled, I doubt you could maintain a minimum of 30FPS through out the entire game. How much AA and AF are you using in these games? If you are using low AA and AF, you aren't "maxed"

What about Quake 4? At 1680x1050 I can't maintain the smoothest FPS on my machine with one X1950XTX. Of course I am using V-Sync, and it never goes to an unplayable level, but there is a drop in performance compared to my dual 7900GTX SLi setup. At my resolution and settings, I wouldn't consider the game set to "max" quality.

As far as I am concerned none of the hardware today can play every game out there at truely "maxed" settings.

"Maxed" to me is the maximum resolution, and AA and AF the game supports. With all details and options on full. I probably would make an exception for FEAR's soft shadows as they don't seem to do much of anything, except hurt performance.

I'm with you here on this, but how much better is it really with a spankin' new $500 card? My monitor doesn't do 1600x1200 so truly maxed settings for me are running at 1440x900, and I have yet to have a game I play choke on my system. FEAR, BF2, CoH, Quake 4, HL2/CS:S, Doom3 are all of my newer games I play, and it my rig runs them just fine and I don't miss out on any features with the exception of FEAR.

This reasoning was why when I upgraded from what I refer to as my SuperOverclocked system (Mobile Barton @ 2.6Ghz) to this one, I said to self...$500 video card? Nope, not worth it by any stretch, so I bought my ASRock board with both an AGP and PCI-E slot so I could get past this slot change and not buy a new card just because I had to and kept my AIW X800XT which hangs in there pretty damn good with the good overclocking that I get with it.
ryan_975 said:
You guys sporting both AGP and PCIe on one board do know that isn't really AGP right? It's PCI rewired to AGP pinout. There's no DiME, and no sideband addressiing. And they have to share bandwidth with the other PCI devices. (with the exception of the ULi 1695 )

By the way, I'm PCIe

Umm...flat out wrong in this case. The ULi 1695 chipset has native AGP 8X suppport and PCI-E 16x support. Without sideband addressing and fastwrites, my AIW wouldn't even function.

You are right tho, there were alot of boards where the fake AGP 8X slot was just bridged off the PCI or PCI-E buss.

http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=2524 Check this review out, it shows AGP vs PCI-E is a mute point on the ULi 1695, both perform pretty much the same.
ryan_975 said:
You guys sporting both AGP and PCIe on one board do know that isn't really AGP right? It's PCI rewired to AGP pinout. There's no DiME, and no sideband addressiing. And they have to share bandwidth with the other PCI devices. (with the exception of the ULi 1695 )

By the way, I'm PCIe
Actually, it IS AGP. Full bandwidth, all the silly features, everything. There are some others that fake it like you've said, but this is not one of them. I did my homework.

ASRock People: Great board, isn't it? I'm running one too. I voted AGP because that's what I have in it right now.

ryan_975 said:
You noticed that I did say "with the exception of the ULi 1695" chpset right?

Umm...nope:! :D Doh!

I think that comes from rampant ULi 1695 F@nboyism! My apologies. :p
Met-AL said:
I'm with you here on this, but how much better is it really with a spankin' new $500 card? My monitor doesn't do 1600x1200 so truly maxed settings for me are running at 1440x900, and I have yet to have a game I play choke on my system. FEAR, BF2, CoH, Quake 4, HL2/CS:S, Doom3 are all of my newer games I play, and it my rig runs them just fine and I don't miss out on any features with the exception of FEAR.

This reasoning was why when I upgraded from what I refer to as my SuperOverclocked system (Mobile Barton @ 2.6Ghz) to this one, I said to self...$500 video card? Nope, not worth it by any stretch, so I bought my ASRock board with both an AGP and PCI-E slot so I could get past this slot change and not buy a new card just because I had to and kept my AIW X800XT which hangs in there pretty damn good with the good overclocking that I get with it.

Well, I can tell you that it is pretty spectacular. I get extra AA and AF in most games with extra smoothness. I can tell the difference between upper mid range cards, and high end cards on the same PC. Some can't, some are satisfied with not having the top of the line.

Once you start buying these uber high end cards, it is hard to stop. You begin craving higher end cards and higher settings.

Additionally, the master plan is to get a 24 or 30 inch LCD display. In which case I will need more video card power.
Dan_D said:
Once you start buying these uber high end cards, it is hard to stop. You begin craving higher end cards and higher settings.

There is a cure for that, it's called lack of money, occasionaly brought on by things like having a couple of children. That for one will cure you of your video card addiction! It worked for me. :D My video card addiction abruptly ended back in the late 90's with the Voodoo3. Since then, it's been tight value orientated spending for me.
Met-AL said:
There is a cure for that, it's called lack of money, occasionaly brought on by things like having a couple of children. That for one will cure you of your video card addiction! It worked for me. :D My video card addiction abruptly ended back in the late 90's with the Voodoo3. Since then, it's been tight value orientated spending for me.

LOL... aint that the truth! I was looking at upgrading to a 7900GTX, then realized... Semi-annual Real Estate taxes were due around the corner... that prevented me from upgrading. Then when things settled down and I was looking to get an X1900XTX, one of the spawn needed braces. Ok, X1900XTX was out of the question. A few months go by, hmmmm.... maybe it's time to get an 7950, nope sorry... summer camp season is coming and we need to make and pay for reservations NOW. Kids are wonderful... they better get a good education so they can get a high paying job so when I retire, I can let them take care of me.... and support my PC upgrade addiction.... gee... I hope THEY don't have any kids until AFTER I kick the bucket. ;)