Wheezing noise while in standy


Nov 4, 2004
A coworker of mine has a laptop and she says that when she leaves it unplugged and lets it go to standby, it makes a wheezing noise in time with the blinking power light indicating it's in standby. However, when she plugs the power adapter back in, the wheezing stops. Any ideas? I'm thinking the battery isn't supplying enough juice to keep the fan going inside but i'm not really sure. Oh, and she's 200 miles away in another office, so i'm limited as to how i can test it.
If its a very high pitch noise its likely to be an electronic component singing at you, in which case there is little you can do apart from get it serviced.
It could be the fan shifting in pitch as you suspect if the pitch is lower.

Another possibility is the CD/DVD drive is spinning up and down.
I've heard many that are silent and all you hear is the whoosh of air.