When are Nvidia's new driver's out?


Dec 15, 2003
Does anyone know?

I need to see how they'll do vs the x800xt's new drivers. If they're out in say a month or two I know which card to get now, however if Nvidia is releasing them soon then I'll wait...
Since they just cam out with the 61.77 a few days ago I'd say it'll be a while. Probably the end of August.
ok thanks. End of Aug isn't too long a wait.

Have you got any new benchmarks done with those 61.77 driver's (none beta)?
You can get the 62.something or other betas from somewhere.

Also you know this new fangled media encoder chip, when are there going to be drivers to make it do something :rolleyes:
The 62.20s are typically giving about 5FPS increase in game. Also, US2 is still disabled, so expect to see some D3 increases in the future. Not that Nvidia users really need it.
Blad3 said:
Does anyone know?

I need to see how they'll do vs the x800xt's new drivers. If they're out in say a month or two I know which card to get now, however if Nvidia is releasing them soon then I'll wait...

How could the upcoming drivers sway you one way or the other?

Have you seen recent benches using the latest drivers already?


The 6800U is every bit as fast the PE in D3D and faster in OpenGL. nVidia's new drivers will most likely increase performance even more though because of the fact nVidia hasn't done alot of optimizing for the 6800's yet and alot of performance can be gained through optimizations here and there. The X800's are highly optimized and on mature drivers and is why they are already performing at their peak potential. The 6800's are still running off somewhat beta drivers.

OpenGL = 6800's are faster
D3D = tied between X800's and 6800's
D3D no AF = 6800's are usually faster
D3D w/ AA = 6800's are usually faster

The 6800's have higher performance AA and a little better quality AF. They support SM 3.0, UltraShadow II Technology, Digital Vibrance, better drivers, the best Linux support, Application profiles, better dual monitor support, dual DVI, and other things.

You may buy a new video card every 6-12 months and may not care about SM 3.0 but if you only upgrade every 18-24 months then it shouldn't be any question which to buy. The 6800's are more futureproof and have better features. They have alot of headroom to grow in performance while the X800's are trying to stretch the architecture of the R300's to its limits.
In older dx8 and 9 games the x800 pro is faster with aa/af on and in some faster without as well. Also the x800 pros are smoother overall making the gaming experience more enjoyable. The GT has hitching issues in alot of older games, making them difficult to play.
dnottis said:
In older dx8 and 9 games the x800 pro is faster with aa/af on and in some faster without as well. Also the x800 pros are smoother overall making the gaming experience more enjoyable. The GT has hitching issues in alot of older games, making them difficult to play.

The fps is usually already pretty damn high in OLDER dx8 and dx9 games so it doesn't really matter if the X800Pro is a few fps faster which i havn't really seen many benches to show that it is.

The hitching issue is also a randomized occurance that happens on the X800Pro's as well. If you will check the official game forums for different games you will see many threads about choppy performance on the X800Pro. It has to do with system configurations and the drivers used. Using v-sync can also do it. Not everyone with a GT has this choppyness. Not even a majority.

I've also seen quite a few people go from X800Pro's to 6800GT's and say the performance was smoother in the games they play.

Its not a hardware issue, its driver issues and system configuration issues. Hopefully over time nVidia and ATI will address all the major issues.
dnottis said:
In older dx8 and 9 games the x800 pro is faster with aa/af on and in some faster without as well. Also the x800 pros are smoother overall making the gaming experience more enjoyable. The GT has hitching issues in alot of older games, making them difficult to play.

What is this hitching you speak of? I have yet to experience it.
I heard about the hitching should be taken care of by adjusting the AGP port settings.
rancor said:
I heard about the hitching should be taken care of by adjusting the AGP port settings.

I wish. We have tried everything - some people are using p4's others Amd64s. Some people dont notice it at all - others like myself do immediatly. The x800 is so much smoother overall.
thats sounds like the game isn't recognizing the card as a dx9 card, thats very common. The game needs a patch to fix that.
rancor said:
did ya try dropping it down to 64 or 128?

Yea we've tried everything -
read some of those posts, some of use have been at this for weeks now...
Games like Battlefield Vietnam, MS Rallisport Madness and Tiger Woods 2004 are even TWIMTBP games...
I've been benchmarking a ton - there are some other older games where the x800 just beats the 6800GT flat out. Try playing GTA VC, Tiger Woods 2004, Battlefield Vietnam, NHl 2004, Madden 2004, Rallisport Challenge, even Farcry with sm2b path - the x800 doesn't dip as low as the 6800GT in sm3 mode. Even Ut 2004, owns on 6800GT until 4aa/8af are turned on then the x800 beats it by like 10 fps at 1280 and 1600. I know 10 fps is nothing - still it's disappointing.

Doom3 rulez on the 6800GT.