When can I actually BUY an 1800XT?


Mar 3, 2003
Ok now the timer is up on ATI's website.. Pricewatch and Newegg show nothing for their new cards.. don't tell me I have to wait AGAIN? :confused: :mad:
For starters why in the world would you even want to purchase an ATi card right now when you have nVidia's 7800 GT and GTX available. From the leaked benchmarks the GTX smokes the X1800. Yes those benchmarks are leaked. There is also a reason ATi has yet to release the X1800, possibly because those leaked benchies speak the truth.

Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?
what? a thread of people who don't read the reviews? wow.

Anandtech, HardOCP and many others have their reviews out today of these cards.

But as they all say, the XT will not be available till November at the soonest.

[BB] Rick James said:
For starters why in the world would you even want to purchase an ATi card right now when you have nVidia's 7800 GT and GTX available. From the leaked benchmarks the GTX smokes the X1800. Yes those benchmarks are leaked. There is also a reason ATi has yet to release the X1800, possibly because those leaked benchies speak the truth.

Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?

OMG teh benchmarks are leaked !!! GTX SMOKES !!!!!
[BB] Rick James said:
Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?

I don't know...lot of new added features that the 7800 doesn't have.

and the 7800gtx doesn't smoke the x1800xt from bench results.
Hopefully in november (like it's been announced for a while now) the availablity will be good
Yes, all should buy an X1800 XT because it is way more future proof than the 7800GTX, which is yesterdays technology.
I will give ATI until tomorrow to have ANY of their cards on the store shelves (YES, THE B&M SHELVES)...not just at online vendors...before I call it a PAPER LAUNCH. nVidia set the bar high...and if ATI can't follow suit, they are ASSED OUT.

Bottom line is that ATI has 100% control as to when they "LAUNCH" their card...and they are moronic enough to pull another PAPER LAUNCH after the Crossfire fiasco, well then, FUCK THEM...I ain't gunna buy their cards....
Look, you cant even buy the x1800 whatever was launched TODAY!!!! At least the last time I checked the sites(5 minutes ago) none of them had heard of an 1800 anything. What makes you think that youll find any in November ? These ATI guys suck at putting out product. Granted they both sucked (nVidia and ATI ) the last time with their 800 and 6800 series releases and availability, but at least nVidia wised up. I dont think ATI really gives a shit about anybody.....they seem to be taking the its done when its done approach. :mad:
[BB] Rick James said:
For starters why in the world would you even want to purchase an ATi card right now when you have nVidia's 7800 GT and GTX available. From the leaked benchmarks the GTX smokes the X1800. Yes those benchmarks are leaked. There is also a reason ATi has yet to release the X1800, possibly because those leaked benchies speak the truth.

Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?

maybe he doesent want to deal with shimmering?
gordon151 said:
Yes, all should buy an X1800 XT because it is way more future proof than the 7800GTX, which is yesterdays technology.
How is the x1800xt more future proof if they basically use the same technology?
[BB] Rick James said:
For starters why in the world would you even want to purchase an ATi card right now when you have nVidia's 7800 GT and GTX available. From the leaked benchmarks the GTX smokes the X1800. Yes those benchmarks are leaked. There is also a reason ATi has yet to release the X1800, possibly because those leaked benchies speak the truth.

Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?

Ok maybe I missed something but it doesn't seem to me that the GTX smokes the 1800XT. I'll admit that I skimmed through the review so I probably missed where it said the dates were, I was eager to just look at the benchmarks. From what I saw the GTX was either equal performance or the 1800XT was ahead by a very small margin. I am hoping that small margin turns into a significant gain with Crossfire, and also ATI seems to have implemented dynamic code to improve image quality, technically nVidia should be able to do this too with a driver upgrade, but no one really knows how the performance will translate. All I know is that in the hardocp review the 1800XT seemed to me like it was winning, even if it was a minor increase, the only one where it seemed like it was losing was DOOM 3.
GFreeman9 said:
How is the x1800xt more future proof if they basically use the same technology?

Better support for dynamic branching and flow control plus expanded support for different hdr blending modes, all of which can utilize AA at the same time. It's also better at handling vertex data, which will be more of an issue in future titles. I'd presume there is much more to it as well, since no one seems to have gone too in depth with what other features they have.
Actually, There is little tech that the x1800XT has over the 7800GTX .FOr one they adapted nVidia's Old AF technique into their cards. That gives superior AF tech. THis should force nVidia to bring it back. Also Adaptive AA is slightly better than Transperancy AA (But they are the same tech) but also at a higher Hit, & ATI can do HDR and AA. I don't know the performace of it, but I will find out. however, ATI has always had a lead in AA tech so no big suprise there. Maybe there are some others but you can find that out your self. All in all, nothing too/groundbreakingly new.

Oh and incase you have forgotten: ATI also had soem shimmering problems. I don't know if they have been fixed yet, but right after they attacked nVidia for that problem (or so the sites say) shimmer problems were sighted on ATI hardware.

On the other hand the x1800XT IS faster than the 7800GTX. Not wipe the floor clean faster, but still faster. The XL however is not a good deal for its price. It competes with the GT and they are basically at the same level, while the GT is cheaper. Meh. If you are in teh market at the GT level, go for that over the XL or the GTX (only about $100 more). At teh XT and GTX level, I don't know. Its like the 6800U vs. the x850XT PE all over again, but now they both have the same tech (SM 3.0 and HDR.) Well, I guess you could buy a GTX now and start saving for a G72 :D. But the honest truth it that, if the x1800XT comes down to GTX prices, you should go for that.
gordon151 said:
Better support for dynamic branching and flow control plus expanded support for different hdr blending modes, all of which can utilize AA at the same time. It's also better at handling vertex data, which will be more of an issue in future titles. I'd presume there is much more to it as well, since no one seems to have gone too in depth with what other features they have.

angle independent af has sealed the deal for me. come november/december when i buy a new rig. x1800xt will be in there.
[BB] Rick James said:
For starters why in the world would you even want to purchase an ATi card right now when you have nVidia's 7800 GT and GTX available. From the leaked benchmarks the GTX smokes the X1800. Yes those benchmarks are leaked. There is also a reason ATi has yet to release the X1800, possibly because those leaked benchies speak the truth.

Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?

Oh very True ...





... If "Lower is better" for you? :p
Like I said, the x1800XT is faster (Hey bring down those res a bit. Even I can only go up to 16*12) But that is propaganda. That is only one side of the story. Again the x1800XT is faster
.......until you turn on OpenGL :D. Then you got some problems. A GT can beat an XT in some benchs. But i don't think its as bas as the last series.
I thought Fear was suppossed to be 90% faster then the Nvidia cards, that and why are those benchies different from some of the other reviews.
[BB] Rick James said:
For starters why in the world would you even want to purchase an ATi card right now when you have nVidia's 7800 GT and GTX available. From the leaked benchmarks the GTX smokes the X1800. Yes those benchmarks are leaked. There is also a reason ATi has yet to release the X1800, possibly because those leaked benchies speak the truth.

Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?
What are you smoking? Go read them. :rolleyes:
Marcdaddy said:
I thought Fear was suppossed to be 90% faster then the Nvidia cards, that and why are those benchies different from some of the other reviews.

"At 1600x1200, F.E.A.R. is nearly twice as fast on X1800 XT than GeForce 7800 GTX is, without any of the usual IQ enhancing options enabled in the game."

Mind you, though, that this is somewhat of an ATI PR-gag, as they bench a 256 MB card against their 512MB flagship. we don't really know how much that helps performance.
These threads are pointless. They are all the same. Scan the topic headings on the main page of that forum section and you will likely find a thread containing all the answers to your questions. Not to mention, there is a search function. Not trying to be an ass, but there already are threads covering this topic, and no doubt more will pop-up in a few minutes. Lately I've even seen the same question posed in two seperate threads on the same page. A simple search, and a simple glance through the newer forum threads in your desired topic's section will likely yield the information you seek.

Anyway, to answer your question: No one knows when the new ATi cards will be available. It will likely be at least a month before there will be any decent retail availability for these cards. Possibly longer if ATi repeats the whole X800XT-Phanton Edition fiasco.

As to the point about the 7800GTX's that many posters are making. They are absolutely right. The nVidia solution can be purchased TODAY. The 7800GTX's can be had for $450.00. That's alot cheaper than the introductory prices the X1800XL will be sold for. Finally, the 7800GTX can be used in SLi mode, on a number of AMD or Intel based SLi boards TODAY. ATi's Crossfire chipsets aren't available yet for purchase by the average Joe, and the actual feature set of the ATi XPress chipsets lags behind the nForce 4. Also no Crossfire Edition Master cards can be purchased for ANY ATi card at any location at this time. Meaning, that the 7800GTX or 7800GT is the wiser choice for your purchasing dollars right now if you seek high performance graphics.
Forgive me of my ignorance, but -why- in the hell would anyone need 2048x1536 resolution for gaming?

I can understand 1600x1200. Honestly, I can. But after that point do you really need to go any bigger? Or am I just too used to gaming at 1024x768 to notice any real reason to play otherwise? What CRT, TV, or LCD even supports that high of a resolution!?
SamuraiInBlack said:
Forgive me of my ignorance, but -why- in the hell would anyone need 2048x1536 resolution for gaming?

I can understand 1600x1200. Honestly, I can. But after that point do you really need to go any bigger? Or am I just too used to gaming at 1024x768 to notice any real reason to play otherwise? What CRT, TV, or LCD even supports that high of a resolution!?

The Apple 30 inch display does, HDTV's supporting 1080i or 1080p do, and lastly my 22 inch NEC CRT monitor does. If you can pull it off, then why not? You don't need hardly any AA at that resolution.

Redefined said:
maybe he doesent want to deal with shimmering?

If you set the control panel quality settings to "high quality" and not "quality" shimmering isn't an issue. I agree that is an issue and should be fixed, but on the other hand, why in the hell would you NOT configure a 7800GTX for the highest possible image quality?

ATi had the shimmering bug recently also. I don't know why everyone forgets so quickly.
Bulletproof said:
Ok maybe I missed something but it doesn't seem to me that the GTX smokes the 1800XT. I'll admit that I skimmed through the review so I probably missed where it said the dates were, I was eager to just look at the benchmarks. From what I saw the GTX was either equal performance or the 1800XT was ahead by a very small margin. I am hoping that small margin turns into a significant gain with Crossfire, and also ATI seems to have implemented dynamic code to improve image quality, technically nVidia should be able to do this too with a driver upgrade, but no one really knows how the performance will translate. All I know is that in the hardocp review the 1800XT seemed to me like it was winning, even if it was a minor increase, the only one where it seemed like it was losing was DOOM 3.

ATI cards suck when it comes to OpenGL games, suck BAD. the 7800 gt can own a 1800xt in Open GL games like doom 3 and the chronicles of riddick.
Go ahead and crow when you actually own an X1800XT. I suspect it'll be mighty quiet for quite some time to come.

XT = PE :p
Fawkes said:
now thats nice...

I brought my 7800 from them last week.

Im enjoying it now and paid over £100 less for it than any of those cards.
If I'd buy the top-notch card from this store, it would cost me about US$800 here in Europe. That's insane.
[BB] Rick James said:
For starters why in the world would you even want to purchase an ATi card right now when you have nVidia's 7800 GT and GTX available. From the leaked benchmarks the GTX smokes the X1800. Yes those benchmarks are leaked. There is also a reason ATi has yet to release the X1800, possibly because those leaked benchies speak the truth.

Unless your girlfriend is ATi, really what is the point in waiting to purchase the X1800?

What are you talking about leaked. Abou the only site that didnt do the XT cards was HardOcp. Kyle said because they wont be availibe to nov he didnt want to run them. But in the next para he ran another one of the ATI cards that has a release date of end of Nov. Sort oidd he goes back on what he said so fast.
SamuraiInBlack said:
Forgive me of my ignorance, but -why- in the hell would anyone need 2048x1536 resolution for gaming?

I can understand 1600x1200. Honestly, I can. But after that point do you really need to go any bigger? Or am I just too used to gaming at 1024x768 to notice any real reason to play otherwise? What CRT, TV, or LCD even supports that high of a resolution!?

Some of us just have really big Azz monitors
Arialis said:
What are you talking about leaked. Abou the only site that didnt do the XT cards was HardOcp. Kyle said because they wont be availibe to nov he didnt want to run them. But in the next para he ran another one of the ATI cards that has a release date of end of Nov. Sort oidd he goes back on what he said so fast.

Well noob there have been leaked benchies out before any of the legit ones hit the streets. Also, I say leaked becuase yeah hardware sites can bench them, but NO ONE can buy them. If i were a hardware site and ATi gave me figures and some coin I'd blow smoke up their asses as well. Hence leaked. Until the fucking card actually hits the stands and someone can really honestly bench the two cards, I consider any information on the card leaded. This card is not going to hit the stands until when? Anyone know?....I didn't think so.

End of November... well about time hu :rolleyes:
gordon151 said:
Better support for dynamic branching and flow control plus expanded support for different hdr blending modes, all of which can utilize AA at the same time. It's also better at handling vertex data, which will be more of an issue in future titles. I'd presume there is much more to it as well, since no one seems to have gone too in depth with what other features they have.

That still doesn't mean it's "future-proof". Computer hardware in general isn't really "future proof" in that new technology is constantly being created and updated, meaning you could have a top of the line computer one day, and in a matter of months having it be at the bottom of the food chain.

I'm not justifying the surpremacy of this card, but I don't believe video cards are future proof...
Looks to me like the 7800 GTX is the card getting smoked at least on the newest games. Mainly Fear demo and Battlefield, which are the games everyone and their cousin are playing. The icing on the cake is the much better IQ of the 1800XT.
Or am I just too used to gaming at 1024x768 to notice any real reason to play otherwise?

Yes sir, your too used to it. Welcome to the world of high resolutions! Its a miraculuous world where we experience res' greater and equal to 1600x1200. Gaming has never been sweeter than to go that high with SLI :D

Also, Anandtechs review of the X1800XT shows that the R520 loses a lot of benchies to the 7800GTX.
[BB] Rick James said:
Well noob there have been leaked benchies out before any of the legit ones hit the streets. Also, I say leaked becuase yeah hardware sites can bench them, but NO ONE can buy them. If i were a hardware site and ATi gave me figures and some coin I'd blow smoke up their asses as well. Hence leaked. Until the fucking card actually hits the stands and someone can really honestly bench the two cards, I consider any information on the card leaded. This card is not going to hit the stands until when? Anyone know?....I didn't think so.

End of November... well about time hu :rolleyes:

Leaked = before NDA lifts. After NDA before retail = Preview. Retail cards = Review.

So these are Preview benchmarks, not leaked benchmarks.. If they had come out last week they would be leaked. And once you can buy them they will be Review benchmarks.
