When did u go AMD64?

about 3 weeks ago. Upgraded from my P4 1.7 and MSI 645 Ultra mobo to what's now in my sig.. haven't seen much difference yet though.
geckoman said:
about 3 weeks ago. Upgraded from my P4 1.7 and MSI 645 Ultra mobo to what's now in my sig.. haven't seen much difference yet though.

Def something wrong there. You should've seen a nice perf increase.

research HOW TO oc the AMD64.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Newcastle 800MHz FSB Socket 754 Processor Model ADA3200AXBOX - Retail

then my mom told me I was responsible for gettin my little bro a computer for him to take to college.

Got him a shuttle, put the processor in there along with my 6800 GT




AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 1GHz FSB Socket 939 Dual Core Processor Model ADA3800BVBOX - Retail

along with the 7800GT, Asus A8N-SLI premium and OCZ plati

and the birth of my new computing life......:D
3200+ & asus K8Vse deluxe
AMD's marketbuilder program.
$190 something shipped.
AMD for a long time, but I got my first A64 in my first laptop. Which was an Emachines m6805 with a Clawhammer 3000+ mobile. It died in about a month and Best Buy gave me a new one (didnt even have a PSP) which was the m6809 with a Clawhammer 3200+ mobile. Still have it and I'm typing on it now. That was March 2004.

I bought my first desktop AMD64 3 months ago with a Venice 3000+ 939 to replace my Barton (now in the gf's pc). Love 'em, but my lappy is noticably slower than my desktop (pc 2700 ram, and 4200rpm hd). But, it can still crunch numbers just as fast.

I <3 my AMD64s.
geckoman said:
about 3 weeks ago. Upgraded from my P4 1.7 and MSI 645 Ultra mobo to what's now in my sig.. haven't seen much difference yet though.

If your P4 was a well tuned, spyware free machine, and you're not gaming on it, or doing graphics work, you probably won't notice a big difference in performance. Add games/graphics into the mix, you'll notice a HUGE difference. That is if you crank up the quality of the in-game settings.
Michael Shaw said:
Everyone knows real men use Socket A processors. The patience required lets you prepare yourself for the kind of patience required with women.

hell yeah, i got 3 of them
um...last march, when I decided F' my dell pentium 4, and I bought my self an A64 and built a new system. I now use my P4 dell to fold, and encode stuff.
Michael Shaw said:
Everyone knows real men use Socket A processors. The patience required lets you prepare yourself for the kind of patience required with women.

I had my P4 motherboard out for RMA, and my FX-53 system was of course, broken (in the process of recieving a new motherboard at the time) so the only system I had was an AXP [email protected] on a nForce 2 board, LOL

needless to say, I learned that patience is a virtue :p

Nidhogg said:
hell yeah, i got 3 of them

motherboards, or women? :p
My first Athlon64 processor was the 3400+ 754 socket, it was the cats meow when it came out. Thing dominated.

My next purchase was an Intel 3.6 GHz in my laptop. I've now since gone back to the Athlon64's. Once you go 64 you'll never go back. These processors truly dominate. I love my A64 4000+.
I have an original AMD K6 CPU sitting around here somewhere. That was my first AMD chip. They were just cheaper than the Intel chips back then. Can't remember how much I paid. ;)

First AMD64 chip was my 3500+, which I believe I paid about $350 for.
Edit: That was in August of '04.
when the m6805 came out.. lol, people still make fun of me for having an emachines laptop... they just dont know... :cool:
i havn't got an AMD64 yet. not sure if i will ever because my next home computer upgrade will be in about 4 years assuming the current home computer doesnt die. i myself bought a centrino laptop recently. the home computer is XP2400+, geforce 2 ULTRA, 512MB PC2100 AND IBM Deathstar 75GB ! :eek:
November or December of 2003, Micro Center had this insane sale on the 3200+ clawhammers. For a few days, they were priced down to $299 vs. $399 regular. By far the best price I saw anywhere at the time. I picked it up to go with my MSI K8T Neo-Fis2R MoBo
I switched as soon as the venice cores came out...I was on a 3.2E CPU, and its top OC was 3.6...not very [H]ard...

As soon as i read a review of someone getting a 50% OC on a 3000+, opened a new window, bought a 3000+ Venice and a 939 Mobo. Thats the CPU I currently have, and ive never looked back. One of the few impulse buys with next to no research that I am totally happy with!

Its a better CPU i think, and it satisfies my OC urge, which is what really makes me happy :) Its kindof challanging, and you really have to figgure shit out, not just increase the FSB to 225 and at 226 it crashes...
I bought my Gateway lappy with an A64 3400+ about 8 months ago.

Then when I built my current desktop (2 months ago) I got a Venice 3000+ planning to OC to like 3800 or so. So far I've only gotten to like 2.2GHz and it's not stable but it's also not the processor's fault. My mobo sucks.
Last week :D My sig won't be changed until later this week when my new case and PSU come. On an open-air diagnostic testbed, my San Diego 3700 has been an awesome chip, easily best one I've ever had. (I've also had a pair of Mobile Bartons and a C Northwood) Running at 33C full load, it keeps my X800XL busy supplying all the FPS I need. So far, I haven't found a game I play that I can't run @ 1280x1024x32, 2XAA/8XAF.

Not bad for a bunch of cast-off parts I picked up in FS/T :D

Won a MSI K8T800 and Socket 754 3400+ Clawhammer at TXGF in Austin along with 4 of my friends. We all had the same setup for a while, but most of us have changed it up and now I am on my 4th Athlon 64 Rig.