When is the next gen cards coming out?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 11, 2004
As the title says when can we expect the likes of a 780gtx to come out? i am still using a 480gtx as i have not seen any need to upgrade yet.
Rumors this summer were saying closer to February. They've certainly had more than enough time to polish up what should have been this gen's flagship.
They might time it with Haswell release - April next year, so people who will build new PC from scracth, will reach for new graphic cards. Actually that's my plan, was going to get 680, but will wait few months more, and rebuild my PC with Haswell, white Raven 02-E case and 780 gtx (or 8970, depending what's this time is most powerful single GPU card :p)
There were rumors of a GTX 685 in Q3/4 this year back when the 680 first came out. From my searches it seems the rumors are now for a GTX 7x0 in the spring of next year. All I know is I will sell my 680 and upgrade once the next gen is released so I will only be paying the difference.