When running Memtest


Sep 3, 2007
I just put together a new i7 system with 3 DIMM's of 2GB each. Is there a proper way of running Memtest? For instance do you have to run the program with each DIMM seperately? Or is it fine to run it with all 3 DIMM's in the system?
Depends on how anal you are. I for one don't even bother unless I have a problem.
Run memtest with the memory configuration you wish to use, all three modules. If memtest generates errors, then test one at a time.
Run memtest with the memory configuration you wish to use, all three modules. If memtest generates errors, then test one at a time.


I always run at least one round on new builds before I install the OS.
run memtest at stock speeds if you OC then you run memtest again. OCCT is a good program to use also for burning.

after all that benchmark it