When there be several verson with the G80 release?


Nov 25, 2005
I am wondering if there are going to be several different levels of cards when it in initialy realeased like a 8600GT/8800GT/8800GTX. That type of thing. and if only the 8800 series first, when can we expect the other levels of cards to come out. And anyone have a price range for release?
The ultra high-end model usually comes out first (the "GTX", "Ultra", "XTX", etc.), followed by the high-end several weeks later, and then the mid-range and budget several months later. I think the reason for this is because they want to snare the "gotta have it" demographic into buying the most expensive version by making it the only one available for the first few weeks.
Well that sure is annoying :( Anyone know what the price range of the release card(s) will be?
I hope the "first one out" can be had for ~450.....I am going to have a hard time swallowing any more than that....seriously, these prices....it's like gang rape, you know it's coming, you can't stop it, but you still can't convince yourself to embrace it....
the 8800s will be released first then mid-low range will be released a few months later. also prices are always around 450 for brand new cards.
FUCK. That's what I thought.

So would it just be better to buy a DX9 card now and not wait for the prices to drop to comthing affordable?
Yeah it will go: GTX, GT, standard, GS for the G80. Personally for the DX10 cards from both ATi and nVIDIA my advice there is wait. One, only Windows Vista will use DX10. Do you really want to use Vista immediately after release? Common computer sense says no. In the matter of Vista wait about a year and then purchase the OS. Also, how many games will use DX10 immediately? Not many, nor will they be under the "Games For Windows" flag. And it's not like Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer are going to buy up the big titles (i.e. Spore, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, etc.) and make them DX10/Windows Vista exclusives. They do that they're only playing foolish games with the community...making people buy an OS that won't even be mature for about 12-18 months after release (just like every other Microsoft OS). That's the people nVIDIA and ATi and Microsoft (which cause of DX10 they're a part of this too now) are trying to get with the G80 and ATi's next gen chips: people who want to buy Vista immediately at launch and want the best on the market right then and there. So in the endgame, my short thoughts are to wait for DX10 and Vista to mature and become mainstream before getting the next-gen nVIDIA and ATi offerings. Until next time I am out!
Crysis will look far better on DX10 than DX9, as will Flight Simulator X, and since DX10 requires Vista (or vice versa) I will be getting Vista as soon as it hits, but I won't get rid of XP until everything works in Vista. Most likely I will have a DX10 card before Vista, but at least it will spank the snot out of my current crop of games.
Honestly, the best thing at first: dual-boot XP and Vista. Vista for DX10 games, XP for everything else.

I'm a sucker for being a guinea pig though, and I'll go ahead and primarily run Vista. :/
The thing is, my brother is buying this comp and it's going to last him 2 years at the least. He's at uni and stuff so cash is short. He already runs a dual boot and is going to get a conroe system, etc. What i'm kinda asking now is will there be a GT and GTX at same time or just a GTX?

Thanks for advice.
Well, when the 7900's came out, the GT and GTX were available the DAY they came out (I know because I bought my GT the day it came out).

However, the mid-range cards will be out months down the road.

So there should be GT/GTX versions out right away if it goes like last time.
Ok, he'll proberaly get a GT version but will they cost about the same as a 7900GT on release?
TheRapture said:
I hope the "first one out" can be had for ~450.....I am going to have a hard time swallowing any more than that....seriously, these prices....it's like gang rape, you know it's coming, you can't stop it, but you still can't convince yourself to embrace it....

Excellent analogy :)
winston856 said:
Well, when the 7900's came out, the GT and GTX were available the DAY they came out (I know because I bought my GT the day it came out).

However, the mid-range cards will be out months down the road.

So there should be GT/GTX versions out right away if it goes like last time.
The 7900's were refreshes. Refreshes are a whole different bag from new architectures. With new architectures, the highest end one always comes out first, and usually for about $600.
arthur_tuxedo said:
The 7900's were refreshes. Refreshes are a whole different bag from new architectures. With new architectures, the highest end one always comes out first, and usually for about $600.
exactly and nobody but people at nVidia, who aren't allowed to talk, knows for sure what will be released at which point in time and for how much.
arthur_tuxedo said:
The ultra high-end model usually comes out first (the "GTX", "Ultra", "XTX", etc.), followed by the high-end several weeks later, and then the mid-range and budget several months later. I think the reason for this is because they want to snare the "gotta have it" demographic into buying the most expensive version by making it the only one available for the first few weeks.

Yes, they come out with a standard high end first. But shortly after don't they debut a ridiculously high HIGHER end card as well? Like, how do you explain the GX2 card?
Or am I thinking of the refresh. A "refresh" is always based on the same architecture but just padded or spruced up a bit correct?
If I buy a GeForce 8 I'm going to wait for the refresh. The 7800GTX is slower than the 7900GTX, and it was hard to find a 512MB one. If I'm spending $600+ on videocard(s) I want the fattest framebuffers, the fastest cores and screaming GDDR4, nothing less. The 8800GTX is rumored to have 768MB of memory, very weird but OK. So I'm gonna wait till the "hybrid" DX10 compatibility is gone, and it's just straight out normal memory sizes without weird architectures, cause the G80 sounds a little kooky.
drizzt81 said:
exactly and nobody but people at nVidia, who aren't allowed to talk, knows for sure what will be released at which point in time and for how much.

Nvidia already announced mid November for their first DX10 card @640.00 price range.
Well that's just a bit above the price range wanted but there's always time maybe :\

Thanks alot guys for your help :)
StalkerZER0 said:
Yes, they come out with a standard high end first. But shortly after don't they debut a ridiculously high HIGHER end card as well? Like, how do you explain the GX2 card?
It's hard to predict. Sometimes they follow up the first release with an even higher end part, usually they don't. It's been quite a while since that happened, actually:

Current generation: Debuted with 7800 GTX and X1800 XT. Both were the fastest until refreshes (and the 7800 GTX 512 which was several months later).

1 generation ago: Debuted with 6800 Ultra and X800 XT. A short time later, the 6800 Ultra Extreme and X800 XT PE came out, but these were in such limited quantities that they were more for marketing than anything else. They don't really count.

2 generations ago: Debuted with FX5800 Ultra and 9700 Pro. Both were the fastest until refreshes.

3 generations ago: My memory is fuzzy on this one, but I think NVidia might have rolled out with all 3 flavors of GeForce 4 simultaneously, an exception to the "fastest first" rule. ATI's 8500 series had a wonky time frame compared to the GF 3 and 4, and competed with both of them at various times. I don't think there was ever more than one version of this card, but I could be wrong.

4 generations ago: Debuted with GeForce 3, followed later by the Ti200 and Ti500, which were respectively slower and faster. These were a few months later, however, so the rule still holds.

5 generations ago: GeForce 2 GTS came first, followed by the Ultra. This is the first genuine exception to the "fastest first" rule, and we had to go back 5 generations to find it, as you can see. I can't think of any other exceptions off the top of my head, so I won't continue this list.

Or am I thinking of the refresh. A "refresh" is always based on the same architecture but just padded or spruced up a bit correct?
That's exactly what a refresh is.
I doubt that we will see more than 1 or 2 variations of G80 on launch. Usually, the super high end card is released to start off the series, and then a slightly less powerful upper mid range card usually comes next, sometimes at the same time, and then the mid range and lower end cards come out later.
There are three things to understand about new architectures for those of you thinking of waiting for the new cards:

1. They always come out with the most expensive model first, and it's usually about $600.

2. It usually only takes a few weeks for them to come out with the regular high-end model, but these are still very expensive, usually $450 to $500.

3. It takes several months for the midrange and entry-performance cards of the new architecture to come out, which are the ones most of us are interested in. By this time, the regular high end can be found for $300 to $350 as well.

So unless you're a person that really likes to spare no expense on a computer upgrade, you're not looking at a month and a half wait, you're looking at roughly a four and a half month wait until the new architecture will be worth it.
Ok, and that's unacceptable. He'll proberaly just buy a 7900GT or a 7950GT. Is the 7950GT better?

EDIT: Does the extra memory on the card actually make a difference yet? When the cards are like 30NZD apart? About 15-20USD.
decapitator said:
Nvidia already announced mid November for their first DX10 card @640.00 price range.

Wait for ATI to release theirs. That should bring down the price a bit. Prices will be high especially when Nvidia will have the only DX10 cards available for a month or two.
He's not going to wait that long lol. He could have bought it before but wanted to wait so the comp would last longer.