When WD Green HDD plugged into WHS, doesn't see sata drives...


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2004
So i grabbed a 320gig WD Green hdd from work today (was used to back up macs), formatted it on my gaming rig, and pulled the files over from a seagate i wanted to wipe and add to the WHS. So when the SATA seagate is plugged into the machine alone with the PATA boot drive, everything works. Then I add in the WD from work, and neither of the sata's show up. I've tried swapping cables around, and even using a different PSU. Any idea what's up?

And on a side note, the mobo/cpu, etc is all pretty old, but last time i used it (about 5 months ago) i had 5 drives plugged into it, 4 being sata, and no problem what so ever.

And i minor update. I wiped the Seagate and formatted it to be part of the server's storage with no problems. I then plugged in the WD, and then that added storage from the Seagate went "missing". This is really weird to me.
Being that there are just two in there atm, I'm just using the controller on the mobo. Drivers are installed and updated.
Internally. I have a HDD dock so i can try using it through USB later. But that would be super slow to transfer over.