when will we see new dual cores


Jun 21, 2005
for my needs a quad is overkill and i was hoping to get another dual core on the 45nm platform..ive read rumors about ones coming but does anyone know when these will be out. im hoping they will have some decent L3 cashe....a true dual not ones with cores disabled.....
yeah theres suppose to be the star core.. phenom II x2's.. but i dont think we will see them til june or july.. not sure why they are taking so long to be released..

but the phenom II x3 710/720 are both good options..
What does it matter at how many cores something has? Are you shopping by price or purely on # of cores? You can get plenty of excellent CPUs at very low pricepoints that will most likely outperform and "new" dual cores coming out. There really is no reason to invest in a dual core setup at this point...
if enthusiasts want to continue to have amd around to participate at the consumer level, we need to start buying their products. the x3 720 black edition provides excellent performance for the price, and is an enormous overclocker. rather than have amd waste resources to produce, package ,and market dual cores we need to buy up these core disabled x4's sold as x3's.
I am waiting for the dual cores do to the lower thermal envelope for a HTPC is a non ventilated cabinet. I saw they were going to release some 45w and 65w ones. Everywhere I have read has them being released in June sometime.
well they currenty have 45w dual cores.. the 5050e 4050e be-2400 be-2350 be-2300.. the x2 5000+ BE is a 65w processor..
for my needs a quad is overkill and i was hoping to get another dual core on the 45nm platform..ive read rumors about ones coming but does anyone know when these will be out. im hoping they will have some decent L3 cashe....a true dual not ones with cores disabled.....

I wouldn't expect AMD to release a "true" dual core anytime soon unless its for a low power platform (IE netbooks). Right now the market is moving towards quad core and it would be a waste of money for AMD to design a new "true" dual core for the desktop..
I wouldn't expect AMD to release a "true" dual core anytime soon unless its for a low power platform (IE netbooks). Right now the market is moving towards quad core and it would be a waste of money for AMD to design a new "true" dual core for the desktop..

not neceserraly, harvesting quad core dies to serve the dual core market (which is still there, QC is overkill for a lot of people) might work when you have lots of defects, but once you get good yields, cutting a quad die back to dual is a huge waste of resources. If amd is able to easily modify their deneb design to only include two cores and half the cache, it could amount to a huge saving in wasted die space.

AMD needs to stop wasting die space if it wants to make money and stay price-competitive with intel, a dual core die actually makes loads of sense..
I would say there is still a market for dual cores just not so much around here since most of the builders on this forums are towards the higher end of equipment.
I would say there is still a market for dual cores just not so much around here since most of the builders on this forums are towards the higher end of equipment.

What if stock 4.2 GHz processors would be introduced? They would be pretty high end.
I am waiting for the dual cores do to the lower thermal envelope for a HTPC is a non ventilated cabinet. I saw they were going to release some 45w and 65w ones. Everywhere I have read has them being released in June sometime.

If you are worried about heat output you also have the option of undervolting a 720 and seperately underclocking whichever of the three cores undervolts the worst.
If you cannot wait the X3 720 is a great deal. Some dual core CPU's use almost 95w so that much for 3 cores is not a huge deal for a cooler/lower power sys.

X2 P2 will be cool but x3 is probably not much more than the x2's will cost at release =)
now amd cpus due next month!


45w quad cores, new PIIs with 3/2 cores, new Athlon IIs with 4/3/2 cores!

looks like AMD is about to totally dominate intel in the sub $200 market, some of these cpu's look awesome! considering the price a PII 810 is going for, one of those Athlon X4's shouldnt cost all that much.. we might actually see a sub $100 quad (unless amd charges a premium for the 45w tdp..)
now amd cpus due next month!


45w quad cores, new PIIs with 3/2 cores, new Athlon IIs with 4/3/2 cores!

looks like AMD is about to totally dominate intel in the sub $200 market, some of these cpu's look awesome! considering the price a PII 810 is going for, one of those Athlon X4's shouldnt cost all that much.. we might actually see a sub $100 quad (unless amd charges a premium for the 45w tdp..)

they under priced the 45w TDP dual cores.. so i dont see them over pricing the new ones.. id say sub 100 dollar quads are a very good possibility and may help amd take a good chunk of the OEM market with HP, Dell, Gateway, Compaq.. might even see some cheap quad core emachines..
If they can manage 45W quads they really should make a Turion X4 for laptops that'll be competitive with Intel's mobile Core 2 Quads.
7750 and 7850 are 65nm agena cores.

The athalon x4s are going to be very poor chips. I would expect to see those very cheap and in emachines. No L3 is probably going to seriously handicap them.
7750 and 7850 are 65nm agena cores.

The athalon x4s are going to be very poor chips. I would expect to see those very cheap and in emachines. No L3 is probably going to seriously handicap them.

i agree they will be handicapped by the lack of L3, but i assume they will still perform better then an equally clocked K8 clock for clock. I can see cases where going with a athlon X4 over an equally priced dual core is going to be a very good idea
What does it matter at how many cores something has? Are you shopping by price or purely on # of cores? You can get plenty of excellent CPUs at very low pricepoints that will most likely outperform and "new" dual cores coming out. There really is no reason to invest in a dual core setup at this point...

Most people I build PC's for just use the things for flash games, some word, browsing, email, myspace, youtube, maybe a game here and there. A cheapie dual core is more than enough for this!
Ph2 variant X2's are going to be cheap enough that I consider it a total budget part, yet will provide outstanding performance for most activities.
If core2duo's were not still ridiculously expensive compared to what else you can get for the same price (X3 720 same price as cheapest c2d, X4 940 is cheaper than the fastest & same as midrange, be crazy to go with that over an X3-X4).

So yeah amd's new X2's will give us a sub-100 dollar dual core with performance equal to a 50+% more expensive c2d. People who are not hardcore gaming/enthusiast don't care that much about the cpu, they just want it cheap. Especially in todays economy :)
now amd cpus due next month!


45w quad cores, new PIIs with 3/2 cores, new Athlon IIs with 4/3/2 cores!

looks like AMD is about to totally dominate intel in the sub $200 market, some of these cpu's look awesome! considering the price a PII 810 is going for, one of those Athlon X4's shouldnt cost all that much.. we might actually see a sub $100 quad (unless amd charges a premium for the 45w tdp..)


been under 100 for along time.. (yes i realize its not most wanted quad)
That is a sweet find Pylon! I had forgotten about the desktop Optys..may have to snag one of those.
Can't wait to see the retail price of the PII X2

what im wondering is wether the X2s are still 4 core dies, and wether the athlon IIs will be seperate dies, i would guess so, seeing the very low TDP

and the X2s will probably be very nicely priced, i might just consider one to replace my 7750 :) (or just go all out and get an x4)
The main use of any new dual core cpu development would be for the mobile PC market, which puts a high premium on power saving.