Where are all the 6200 reviews!?


Jan 12, 2005
I'm in the market for a sub-$100 video card, which will be used for gaming (yes, I know, nobody would ever recommend a cheap video card for gaming, but I don't have too big a budget). I'm looking to upgrade from my 9200, and I have it down to the Radeon 9600XT or the Geforce 6200. I read that the 6200 would be a better buy if I'm not going to upgrade for a while, as it supports many new technologies that the 9600XT does not, such as DirectX 9.0c, etc.

I can't find any reviews of the thing though! The only reviews I can find are of the PCIe Turbo-Cache version, which I do not want. Does anyone know where I can find a review of a non-TC 6200?
NickN said:
I can't find any reviews of the thing though! The only reviews I can find are of the PCIe Turbo-Cache version, which I do not want. Does anyone know where I can find a review of a non-TC 6200?
I see plenty of regular 6200 reviews on google searches. You can omit the turbo cache reviews by adding -"turbo cache" -"turbocache" to your search, or adding NV43 to a 6200 review search.

The newest NV43 A4 stepping no longer unlocks on 6200 cards. IMO, you're better off spending a few more dollars on a 6600 to get 8 pipelines guaranteed.
NickN said:
I'm in the market for a sub-$100 video card, which will be used for gaming (yes, I know, nobody would ever recommend a cheap video card for gaming, but I don't have too big a budget). I'm looking to upgrade from my 9200, and I have it down to the Radeon 9600XT or the Geforce 6200. I read that the 6200 would be a better buy if I'm not going to upgrade for a while, as it supports many new technologies that the 9600XT does not, such as DirectX 9.0c, etc.

I can't find any reviews of the thing though! The only reviews I can find are of the PCIe Turbo-Cache version, which I do not want. Does anyone know where I can find a review of a non-TC 6200?

Why would you want a non-TC version? They're slower!
Why do I want a non-Turbo Cache? Because, no matter how hard you try, you can't jam a PCI Express card into an AGP slot? And even if you could, it wouldn't work? :eek:

Well, thank you, pxc, I just googled geforce 6200 review -"turbo cache" and found a review of a regular 6200.
Ehhh, I thought about how I could spend a few more bucks and get a 6600 or 9800, but where does it stop? From there, I could spend a little bit more to get a 6800NU, and then on to an X800, et cetera. I'd rather get a cheaper video card so I have more money remaining to buy more games and other stuff. As you can tell by the fairly old gaming rig in my sig, video quality/performance is not my top concern. I've been eying a 6200 on Newegg for about $70 that has the full specs, rather than being one of the cheap "LE" or "SE" POS cards.
NickN said:
Ehhh, I thought about how I could spend a few more bucks and get a 6600 or 9800, but where does it stop? From there, I could spend a little bit more to get a 6800NU, and then on to an X800, et cetera. I'd rather get a cheaper video card so I have more money remaining to buy more games and other stuff. As you can tell by the fairly old gaming rig in my sig, video quality/performance is not my top concern. I've been eying a 6200 on Newegg for about $70 that has the full specs, rather than being one of the cheap "LE" or "SE" POS cards.

can't you get a 9800 for around 90 now?
NickN said:
I've been eying a 6200 on Newegg for about $70 that has the full specs, rather than being one of the cheap "LE" or "SE" POS cards.
The cheapest AGP 6200s on newegg have the NV44A core with a 64-bit memory interface. Those are AGP versions of the 6200 TC, without the Turbo Cache and with more local memory. :p

If you can't see a heatsink for the bridge chip on a 6200 AGP card, it's a NV44A core 6200.

For example, this 6200 AGP for $76 shipped has a NV43 core and 128-bit memory: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814133138
This 6200 AGP for $70 shipped has a NV44A core and 64-bit memory: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814135179
Considering your hardware, a 9800/9800 Pro would be great since it's really the end of your system's upgrade path. You'll be able to play everything fine for another year or so.
NickN said:
Ehhh, I thought about how I could spend a few more bucks and get a 6600 or 9800, but where does it stop? From there, I could spend a little bit more to get a 6800NU, and then on to an X800, et cetera. I'd rather get a cheaper video card so I have more money remaining to buy more games and other stuff. As you can tell by the fairly old gaming rig in my sig, video quality/performance is not my top concern. I've been eying a 6200 on Newegg for about $70 that has the full specs, rather than being one of the cheap "LE" or "SE" POS cards.
It's not just the price you should be looking at. The performance increase (gaming) is much larger going from the 6200 to the 6600 than from the latter to a 6800 when looking at performance/dollar.
pxc said:
The cheapest AGP 6200s on newegg have the NV44A core with a 64-bit memory interface. Those are AGP versions of the 6200 TC, without the Turbo Cache and with more local memory. :p

If you can't see a heatsink for the bridge chip on a 6200 AGP card, it's a NV44A core 6200.

For example, this 6200 AGP for $76 shipped has a NV43 core and 128-bit memory: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814133138
This 6200 AGP for $70 shipped has a NV44A core and 64-bit memory: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814135179

That's the one I was looking at, the first one.

Where can I get a 9800, new in box, not refurbished, for below $100? Newegg's cheapest 9800 is around $120 IIRC. :(
I don't trust refurbs - is there anywhere where I can purchase a brand new 9800 for less than $100 as Alexz0r stated or no? :confused:
refurbs are fun! think of it as adventure :p I couldn't pass up a 9800 pro for $86.
NickN said:
Where can I get a 9800, new in box, not refurbished, for below $100? Newegg's cheapest 9800 is around $120 IIRC. :(
I bought a new Connect 3D 9800 Pro 128MB (256-bit memory) from TigerDirect almost 2 weeks ago for $99 and no rebates. Shipping was free since my whole order was over $150.
Review a 6200? And what exactly are they going to compare it's performance to? a sheet of paper crammed into an AGP/PCIe slot? :p
TheGamerZ said:
Review a 6200? And what exactly are they going to compare it's performance to? a sheet of paper crammed into an AGP/PCIe slot? :p
the nv43 6200 rules.
TheGamerZ said:
Review a 6200? And what exactly are they going to compare it's performance to? a sheet of paper crammed into an AGP/PCIe slot? :p

I am saddened at how arrogant people with expensive video cards can be. Please realize that some people in the world are not as fortunate as you, and cannot afford to spend much money on computer parts. Yet, even the cheapest parts can and will perform up to par in today's games.

I'll keep my eye out for Radeon 9800 sales. The cheapest 9800 at Tiger Direct at this time is now $140, though. :(
NickN said:
I am saddened at how arrogant people with expensive video cards can be. Please realize that some people in the world are not as fortunate as you, and cannot afford to spend much money on computer parts. Yet, even the cheapest parts can and will perform up to par in today's games.
True dat...

A 6200 non-TC can be good too as many times they can be unlocked to 6600 levels and beyond... you can seriously overclock the hell out of that card, open up pipelines, etc. You may get the thing as fast as a 9700pro if you work at it.

And the price is certainly right.
NickN said:
I am saddened at how arrogant people with expensive video cards can be. Please realize that some people in the world are not as fortunate as you, and cannot afford to spend much money on computer parts. Yet, even the cheapest parts can and will perform up to par in today's games.

I'll keep my eye out for Radeon 9800 sales. The cheapest 9800 at Tiger Direct at this time is now $140, though. :(

I'm not arrogant, I have a 6200 in another machine. I do realize that people aren't as "fortunate" as others, although I don't see how a persons good fortune can be gauged by their hardware, but oh well.

No insult was intended, and i apologize.
I too am looking for an inexpensive nvidia-based card. Nothing against ATI, but the card will have to go into a 'nix box. Until ATI shows me they can code a driver worth a darn in Linux and have it install in less than 2 hours, I might change my mind. :D

At any rate, there are plenty of uses for the 6200's, I was not aware of the non-TC versions which I am MOST interested in. I'm just looking for the best bang for my buck. $50 card which performs better than a $20 TNT2 would fit my build while letting me re-use the part later.