Where are the new Apple Displays ?? it is 01/15/08 already


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Today is Tuesday 01/15/08 MacWorld '08 where the heck are the brand new next generation Apple Displays that wow everyone and make Dell and Samsung look old fashioned ??

I bought the Apple 30" Display two years ago, and love this baby so much, the colors are richer than my Brothers Dell 30", and it originally came out in 2003 years before Dell ever made one. So maybe this year Apple will be one step ahead of everyone else with something really cool again ??
The 30" Apple Display today may seem dated, but the colors and clearity are still excellent in my opinion.

But when this baby first came out like in 2003, it blew everyones balls off with how cool it was, noboday had such a big Display for sale at that time. Now I am waiting for the same thing this year, it has been 5 years or so since the last Apple Display release, we need some jaw dropping new technology again
dissapointing really.
Their displays are too outdated for me to recommended anymore.