Where Assassin's Creed Should Go Next

Assassin's Creed should go in the trash can.

So many crusty old nerd haters in here.

If they can continue to sell tons of games and turn a profit(which is actually difficult to do in the gaming industry) why do you care.
Would like to see a Victorian smokey London style game, though it would be like a more cramped 2, the setting would work well. It's after the setting of 3, so would work, though he's probably have to lose the hood in favour of a stealh top hat... Though they are kind of at the edge historically of where cloaked people don't look out of place. Unless they go futuristic blade runner style enviroment cyber assasin. They are kind of running out of history...which usually means prequel. :D

soooooo.... Tenchu..?

There needs to be a new non crap non wii Tenchu! :D
Would like to see a Victorian smokey London style game, though it would be like a more cramped 2, the setting would work well. It's after the setting of 3, so would work, though he's probably have to lose the hood in favour of a stealh top hat... Though they are kind of at the edge historically of where cloaked people don't look out of place. Unless they go futuristic blade runner style enviroment cyber assasin. They are kind of running out of history...which usually means prequel. :D

There needs to be a new non crap non wii Tenchu! :D

Oooh, pequel...they could go all Captain Caveman with it! Anyone? Yeah? Anyone?


The French Revolution could be cool, also a victorian/old timey-London. I would love Feudal Japan, but I'm pretty sure the developers have said that will never happen, which sucks considering it's apparently the most requested place from their fans (as in, of the places requested, it gets mentioned the most. Not that all fans request it).

I'm kind ouf turned off of the game anyway, AC2 was great but I couldn't get into brotherhood or revolution (which ever was the immediate follow up to 2). I might buy 3 when it's $20, just because I do kind of enjoy the back story.
given the trend ubi makes with cutting corners with each game I reckon eventually we'll get to the Anglo-Zanzibar war (which took 40min)
Oooh, pequel...they could go all Captain Caveman with it! Anyone? Yeah? Anyone?



During the "war" with the Neanderthals? :p

The French Revolution could be cool, also a victorian/old timey-London. I would love Feudal Japan, but I'm pretty sure the developers have said that will never happen, which sucks considering it's apparently the most requested place from their fans (as in, of the places requested, it gets mentioned the most. Not that all fans request it).

It wouldn't really work, as he's suppose to be related to all these people somehow. He started as an Italian American (it's not clear during the first game but he's Italian and born in what is now Italy) then later he's (part?) Native American (I'm assuming because I haven't played it yet), but for him to have a relative in Japan would be kind of odd, especially given the time periods and length of time within. Would have to be an Uncle or something. :D Plus they'd have to have the Templar guys involved somehow.
It should take place in Japan, at the end of the Edo period. I'd love to see the world that Kenshin was in brought to life. While the Kenshin character himself is made up, many of the personalities around him are based on real world people and organizations. The role that Kenshin played in the revolution was also a real role that four real people performed.

Japan, at the transition from Shogunate to the Meji period would be very different from the previous games.

I would love to see this happen.
Can't get into the series. Main character is just way too wimpy in the future, as is the mindset of the story
So many crusty old nerd haters in here.

If they can continue to sell tons of games and turn a profit(which is actually difficult to do in the gaming industry) why do you care.

its called running it in to the ground
if your smart you let it be for a few years and come back to it when its fresh again
but rehashing games year after year who cares there all the same after a wile
its not they should NEVER make another AS game again its they need to hold off 3 or 4 years for the next one
Just like Cataclysm and all-expansions-except-for-WotLK-no-that-one-sucked-balls.

Cataclysm was the worst xpac in my opinion even if it had one of the best starting zones. Sure the underwater thing was cool the first time around or Vashijr but WOTLK I thought was better. At least the heroics were better in WOTLK with ICC being really really good.

However leveling in WOTLK was such a kick in the balls. However the DK zone was fucking awesome. DKs could be one of the better classes in the game. Better tank than a warrior.