Where can I buy a Copperhead??


Feb 19, 2005
Sitting on my hands waiting for months now to pick up a new Razer Copperhead, does anyone know where they are available or when the release date is? I spilled coke on my Diamondback so I need a replacement soon and I can't justify spending the same amount of money on a new Diamondback when the Copperhead is so close to arrival. (that and I want it in green to go with my power supply :))

Anywhere is good but if anyone knows a Canadian retailer with one, even better. I've read on most forums that it owns the G5 like it's its job.
"You know you have no life when you want your mouse to match your PSU."

:D couldn't resist, no offense tho lol.
god, I must be a hopeless case then...
Powersupply is blue,
mouse is blue,
feet on case is blue
and the light on my 6800 is blue...

wonder if I can blame this on being old and retired?? :D
Well, Razer themselves had some Copperheads today, but they sold out by 10am EST (my guess is only enough to fullfill preorders). I've seen some sites saying they start shipping it on the 29 of September. Either way, it'll mostlikely be available by Saturday.