where can i find a replacement for this particular fan.. with pic


Aug 27, 2004
occasionally this fan for my motherboard would go dead, so im looking for a new one... i dont really know what kind of fan it is, so here's a pic:


ok thanks... ill probaly get the first product you posted, considering the second one is a little pricey...

btw, how easy is it to replace one of these???
Its extremely easy, just pop the old one off, clean the core, apply new paste, and put the new one on. Should take less than 5min.
ok cool... thanks

also, this may seem like a stupid question, but what do i use to clean it???
kirbyrj said:
Alcohol :). Higher percentage the better.

I once used everclear to clean a P4, I didnt have any isopropyl at the time. Worked great! :p
isopropyl alchohol (95% pure) and lint free wipes. lint free optical wipes are good. coffee filters are also lint free.

don't use a q-tip, cotton swab, paper towel or kleenex; none of them are lint free.

that thermal take..........eww............i hope that you are not trying to overclock with that thing on there.
DFI Daishi said:
that thermal take..........eww............i hope that you are not trying to overclock with that thing on there.
What Thermaltake? You mean the Thermalright? :confused:
If you dont overclock, why are you even buying a unit with a fan? Cut down on the noise and get a passive Zalman cooler :cool:
will there be any damage to my motherboard if that fan doesnt work?? cause all of a sudden its stop working (i have to give it a little tap to make it spin)
kevin1211 said:
will there be any damage to my motherboard if that fan doesnt work?? cause all of a sudden its stop working (i have to give it a little tap to make it spin)
that really depends on how hot things get while the fans is stopped. things will usually get unstable before you cause permanent damage from overheating, so you are unlikely to kill anything in the short term, if you turn it off while you are away from the computer.
DFI Daishi said:
that really depends on how hot things get while the fans is stopped. things will usually get unstable before you cause permanent damage from overheating, so you are unlikely to kill anything in the short term, if you turn it off while you are away from the computer.

without the fan it gets about 32 C idle.... gaming, probaly around 40-43C
Hmmm, thinking about it, i would just leave the fan off... you dont need it..
kevin1211 said:
without the fan it gets about 32 C idle.... gaming, probaly around 40-43C
i don't know intel systems very well, but it seems to me that is almost certainly case temperature, and not chipset temperature.

if it is chipset temp, and confirmed accurate, then okay, i'll agree that you don't need the fan.

where is that temperature reading coming from?
DFI Daishi said:
i don't know intel systems very well, but it seems to me that is almost certainly case temperature, and not chipset temperature.

if it is chipset temp, and confirmed accurate, then okay, i'll agree that you don't need the fan.

where is that temperature reading coming from?
motherboard monitor 5.. it gives you readings from the case and the CPU
kevin1211 said:
motherboard monitor 5.. it gives you readings from the case and the CPU
now, what do your case and processor temps tell you about how hot your chipset is getting without a fan running on it?
i have an IS7 and i had this same problem i ran my pc for 3 weeks with the fan running at 500rpm (regular is 6000) and i had no problems but to be safe i bought a thermalright cooler. The only time my pc crapped out was when i was playing halo for like 5 hours on high settings but that may be due to my overclock (doubt it but ya never know)