Where can i get a metal cylinder about 12'' in diameter?


Limp Gawd
Apr 19, 2005
I'm trying to put an Mini ATX mobo in a metal cylinder. Are there places I can get something like this? Not a trash can (I've looked, nothing really works). Anything on line would work too.

I also need a custom Dome.

Think R2D2 but not quite. Help!
Home Depot. I'm sure they'd have something that would work though I'm not sure which department you'd find it in.

If also else fails you could get some sheet metal and bend it into shape.
yeah, I went to home depot. No luck. they have venting ang ducting, but it's not meant for this and has rivets or fold marks.

Bending metal would be a last resort. Even plastic would work. 12" cylinder of plastic...
use a 12 inch concrete form and lay fiberglass over it. you could also build the dome pretty easy. its not metal or plastic but should work for what u need.
Try a scrap yard.

I'm in PA, and there is a military surplus place within 50 miles that has a huge yard full of all kinds of "unclassified" surplus. That means it isn't identified as to what it came from, but it was used by the military. Anyway, there were a lot of cylindrical things lying about. A lot of them looked like stainless steel. They sold by the pound, so some of that stuff could get pricy. Unfortunately, they do not have everything listed on their website, but HERE is a link to them anyhow. You could e-mail them with a description of what you want and see if they respond with anything usefull.
Go to a restaurant supply store and get like a back of the house iced tea holder .... stainles steele nice and clean may be a bit pricey for you but workable. You would be amazed at the cool stuf you can find at one of these places .... bowls for domes and so on.
OK, I think I've found something that will work. Now,

How to make a custom dome? I can't just "find" something that fits. The diameters need to be as close as possible ~1/4" ... Domes anyone?