Where can I get certain Win98 files?

Aug 15, 2004
The files I need are:

I have a Windows 98 cd here, can I somehow obtain them from it?... without actually installing it.
I'm 99.9% sure those files are not included on a regular win98 install disk.

They are crucial system files, though. Fine, I have them quarantined, because NAV can't remove the virus they have. Any other way of removing it?
I'm trying to remember but doesn't have 98 have a repair option when you boot into the CD? I'm not too sure about that.
Win98 doesn't have a repair in it like 2k or xp. Not that Iv'e seen anyway. The files ar likely in the cabs. you will need to get program to open them. I think winace can do it. Not sure though.. Once you get cabs uncompressed, you will just have to search untill you find them.
Start --> Run
Type in:
Click OK.
It will allow you to extract any missing system files.
SFC = System File Checker

PS: You can do a "dirty install" in 98. Boot from the cd and run a new install directly over top of the install you already have. You shouldn't lose any files or settings. I never have.
Darth_Fluffy said:
The files I need are:

I have a Windows 98 cd here, can I somehow obtain them from it?... without actually installing it.
Darth_Fluffy said:
They are crucial system files, though. Fine, I have them quarantined, because NAV can't remove the virus they have. Any other way of removing it?

Those files not part of any Windows 98 OS install. Most times, when an AV detects a file as infected, that is because the file itself is the virus.

What makes you think these files are needed?
thewhiteguy said:
1 - Back up files
2 - Install XP, there are no excuses
Here are some reasons or you can say excuses

1. win98 requirments are a lot less than winXP the system might not be able to do it.
2. winXP uses more resources, it can run worse than 98 on some older hardware
3. The person has a 98 cd and presumbily a license, buying xp will cost a lot of money.
4. Some dos porgrams still don't work correctly with out dos.
5. Evil racoons could come and rand sack your house while you are gone to the store or
install a keylogger when you buy XP online! (not likely)

you can check the comand like program extract, If memory serves me correctly it can search through a collection of cab files in one directory for a name pattern and exract it or print out the name of the cab if found. I'd look right now but I'm lazy. If these files aren't appart of the normal windows installation (I don't claim to know all the windows files but I don't remeber these) you can lookup the file names to see if they are just part of the virus if so there should be no harm in getting rid of them depending on the virus
SJConsultant said:
Those files not part of any Windows 98 OS install. Most times, when an AV detects a file as infected, that is because the file itself is the virus.

What makes you think these files are needed?

That's my suggestion as well. I usually just delete the files in question.
djnes said:
That's my suggestion as well. I usually just delete the files in question.

3rd'd. Those files are definately not part of win98. I've never seen/heard of them.
Hmm, maybe these are viruses, because there were two of 645489.exe files... Also, I'm trying to fix someone else's machine, and it's a 400 Celeron-1. I don't even have the drivers, or anything, so installing a new Os (the oldest one I have is WinMe) is not an option. I put the hard drive into my 567Celeron-2 box, and it won't let you install Win98 because it detects it as an "older version" Although, I might be able to from DOS.
bigstusexy said:
Here are some reasons or you can say excuses

5. Evil racoons could come and rand sack your house while you are gone to the store or
install a keylogger when you buy XP online! (not likely)

Racoons don't seem like likely culprits, but there is definately a chance a squirrel could sneak in while you're not looking, chew up your tupperware, and sit around on top of your monitor eating your cookies.

And yes, that has actually happened to me. (f'n drunks punched a hole in my dorm room window screen over homecoming weekend...)