Where can I go to test fit Headphones?


Apr 20, 2001
I have read to many reviews on headphones and my brain hurts. I am to the point where I have a $100 credit at Newegg and I am ready to pick up a set of Headphones but I am still needing one last thing to do before I decide. I need to test fit them on my head and see how they feel. Anyone know of any electronics stores or types of music stores that might actually have some of the better known brands here on display where one could actually test fit and see how they feel?

Every review in the world means nothing to me if you can not put a set on your own head and see how they feel. This is evidence by even the best headphones out there you get a few people complaining about them and I do not want to be one of those odd ball people that it just does not fit right.

I'm going off what's in my area of course, but personally I would hit up Guitar Center, Fry's Electronics and Best Buy. Make sure you do this with the intention of *not* making a purchase, because all of these places will try to rip you off to some degree. However they do have headphones and they will let you try them out. Where I live there are some shops just for DJs/electronic musician so if you have anything like that in your area give them a call and see if they have the headphones you are curious about. Good luck on your search! :)
What headphones are you considering? For a headphone to not fit right is pretty rare.
Right now I am looking at a base model set of Bose, The ATH-AD700, A steelseries V2, or 61001SS. I am trying to stay away from USB models as while I will use these on my PC for gaming I will also use them from time to time for movies and music on the laptop and out and about. so USB is just more effort than it is worth plus the inability to use with normal devices. headphones that come with a stereo to USB adapter are a nice feature.

My main thing is that each one fits differently on the top of the head and the ear cups are all a bit different in style. Myself I like to be hands on and test fit them and see how the feel and rest on my head, $80+ is a lot for me to spend on a set of headphones that I am planning will last a long time so I want to make sure I find something that I can live with.
At my workplace we got a few kits of Steelseries V2 for testing purposes and I can tell you right now they flat-out suck, no matter your intended use. Skip 'em and try out something else...anything else...