Where do you get your wiring supplies from?


Jun 4, 2001
I looked at frozen CPU and it doesnt have crap. I looked at SVC and it doesnt have crap. Where do you guys get your wires, 90 deg molexs and other junk?

GlobalFear said:
Yeah actually I do. Mostly from older systems. I have atleast 6 in an old 486.
Yeah, I've got several from some old compaq power supplies. Bright orange, too.

You have to think outside of computers. Modding isn't just about buying shit from a website and putting it in your computer. For good wiring supplies, go to electronics supply houses and electrical supply houses. They will have more than any computer mod website will ever have.
Damn it, I hate the fact that many of the older PSU's had right angle connectors but virtually everything now has the straight through ones. What happened? :(

I wonder if they make right angle ATX connectors? ;)