Where do you guys get your games?


Jan 18, 2005
Just wondering where most of you get your games. Ive been trying to find good deals on games cause id like to pick up prototype but I cant seem to find it anywhere cheaper then 50 bucks

Looking for it for PC
I usually get most of my games when I buy new hardware.

That or Wal Mart/Target. They are cheaper than Lame Stop.
I buy all my games from Steam - if game is too expensive I wait for lower prices.

well i dont mind gamestop but there selection is garbage around where im from and can you play the game is your not logged into steam? like lets say you lose your internet doesnt that mean i cant play the game?
Play.com mostly.
I sometimes buy from a shop while on my travels, but always buy hard media, not just an online license.
Havent bought anything from Steam for a long time.
newegg and buy.com usually have games $5 less than retail MSRP + free shipping and of course, no tax. Also, there's a site that has very good prices (even better than newegg and buy.com) but you can't mention it here because they have shady business practices are are blocked by the administration.
Repost! Repost! Repost! O No!


I usually get my games from steam. Or from amazon. I buy used from the marketplace and new games directly from Amazon.
I usually buy from Wal-Mart, HMV (though it's usually extremely overpriced) or EB Games.
Best buy. Get a rewards card you get coupons I get maybe 2-3 games a year free with them. Gamestop I never buy from unless its preorder I hate buying brand new opened stuff.
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Steam, once the release date isn't retarded. For example I bought SF4 retail because I would have been pissed waiting a week for Steam's (and all other digital distribution's) release date.
In the past I've pre-ordered games I wanted to buy at Gamestop since I knew the guys that worked there fairly well. My friends no longer work there, and recently Gamestop has gotten on my nerves with their attitude about "You better pre-order this, or there's no way you will get a copy." Last time I was in there they told me outside of pre-orders, they were only going to be getting like 1-2 copies of a game for the shelves in their initial shipments "due to the economy." I haven't pre-ordered anything in a while, and now I usually just stop by Target the day a game is released instead. The guys at Gamestop will swear up and down that you won't be able to get a copy if its a big enough title, but I can tell you that odds are you won't have an issue if you go to Target or Wal-Mart....I speak from experience since I actually work part-time in the electronics department at Target. Hell, Target has even started getting a few collectors edition copies of games now days too if you're into that sort of thing.
steam or g0gamer

These 2, Goozex, Big Lots, our FS/FT. Mainly the g0 or Steam though when they're having killer deals. Rarely buy anything release day anymore, just not worth paying full price when I still have so many other games on backburner.
last game i got was guild wars, before that it was counter strike source...wait, i take that back, i added Uplink to my steam account since then.....mostly Steam then
guy at gamestop almost let me walkout the front door with a "new game" with no disc in it. I asked for a new game instead of used and he went into the back and got one, wasn't sealed, but didn't have the "used" price tag on it. If I didn't check I woulda came back and smashed that piece of shit place.
I buy my pre-order (pc and Xbox 360) and used Xbox 360 games from Gamestop,:)
New games usually don't get massive sales till they're out a few months.
I buy games from Steam or EBGames. The EBGames is walking distance from my house and the guy that runs it is pretty cool (before you ask if I'm a regular... I've only been in the store three times) and with Steam I don't even have to get out of my chair.

The only difference is that it's actually faster for me to drive to EB, buy a game, drive home, and install it than it is to wait for Steam to finish downloading. Even on my bike I'm probably faster than Steam!
Game UK, if the game will be translated to Polish in my country (hate what they do with voices... why, by all that's evil and unholy people hire crap, cheap actors, bad translateors and have no idea what they are translating :p)

If the price is right, and not 1 USD = 1 Euro, (as with most games), then Steam

And all other games I get by local multimedia stores
Wal-Mart or Steam generally. I haven't bought anything at Gamestop and the like in years with one exception. I bought the lunchbox FO3 for PC at Gamestop, couldn't find it at Wal-Mart.
Steam, Target, Best Buy, and ugh Gamestop (only for preorder beta codes -_-. i fuckin hate going here)
The key to gamestop is to play the system, I buy all my games used, have the card(I like gameinformer) and 90% of the time I have a cupon that stacks with the card so i'll get usually atleast 20% off of my used games, so I can get a $60 game for 44+tax for me comes to about 46.64. Then when I'm done with the game I sell it back to them for usually about 20 bucks, so it ends up being an extended rental service with no late fees. This works even better if you do trade in deals, like the power trades bonus 10%. Just take the pre-order off at a later date, and you get to keep the bonus cash.

Also, the main benefit of used games, you can return the within a week for any reason. This works very good for console games. It's where I buy 90% of my console games.

However for PC I buy pretty much all my games off steam, I love steam deals.

This plan works better the older I get, because I have less time to play games now, so I just wait a month or two and get games on sale.

I completely forgot about Used B2G1 deals, nothing is better than getting three games that still cost 60 bucks for about 110 + tax.
The key to gamestop is to play the system, I buy all my games used, have the card(I like gameinformer) and 90% of the time I have a cupon that stacks with the card so i'll get usually atleast 20% off of my used games, so I can get a $60 game for 44+tax for me comes to about 46.64. Then when I'm done with the game I sell it back to them for usually about 20 bucks, so it ends up being an extended rental service with no late fees. This works even better if you do trade in deals, like the power trades bonus 10%. Just take the pre-order off at a later date, and you get to keep the bonus cash.

Also, the main benefit of used games, you can return the within a week for any reason. This works very good for console games. It's where I buy 90% of my console games.

but buying used games is bad for your country.
STEAM and Direct 2 Drive for PC games. go-gamer for console stuff. Once in a while I'll grab something at GameStop or BBuy while burning some lunch hour time at work and something just jumps out at me, but that is pretty rare.
Steam mostly, or Amazon for games Steam doesn't carry. If I have to have a game RIGHT NOW I go to Best Buy and pay the extortionate prices.
well i dont mind gamestop but there selection is garbage around where im from and can you play the game is your not logged into steam? like lets say you lose your internet doesnt that mean i cant play the game?

It has offline mode.
Online (Steam, Impulse, GoG, Direct2Drive) and Walmart/Best Buy. I will use Game Stop but mostly for console games for my kids. Their selection of PC games is pathetic.

Amazon gets much of my money to. I won't rule out any place as long as the deal is fair.
Lately I've been buying from Ebay after waiting a bit... If it's a game I really want @ release day I buy it from Target, Walmart, or Steam ( wait for the weekend deals).
Best Buy....for the Gamers reward zone every 150 you spend in games, so if its new roughly every 2 and a half games you get 10 dollars back.....not a whole lot but it adds up.