Where to buy from Italia, Bologna?


Apr 23, 2009
As you can see I'm not Italian, but there in Bologna i got older relatives which will come to visit me in 1 week, my uncle being old as well cannot go to many shops to search and buy sound card for me, hes old and i feel bad about it ... so as you may already guess i need help in linking hardware stores which sell Asus Xonar STX in Bologna, (or any really close city) to make the job easy to my uncle. If anyone is Italian or know some info, please share! sorry for slight offtopic, but I'm desperate for help! : (

It would be best if you guys (link me to few different shops) so if there is not available at one shop, my uncle can buy it from other shop, just to be save and have few alternatives. Sorry again and i hope you guys can help me! i'm looking for this card like 1 year already :( no shop in my country will accept any orders for the STX...

If this is bad section, move my post to another part of the forum.