Where to buy vga port covers?


Can't take it straight. GAY?
Jan 7, 2007
I don't know if the kind I want exist or not, but I would like to cover up an onboard vga port on a motherboard with a screw-on plastic cover to reduce confusion as to which port to attach a monitor cable to. I can't seem to find one anywhere online though. I know the slide-on type exist because I have pulled quite a few off of new monitor cables.

Thanks for any pointers/info.
wouldnt a piece of paper tape around do the trick? with my new LG 22" wide (that i had to get a refund didnt like playing on that res 1680 x 1050 in gaming) all the cables had a little plastic cover that was quite tight fitting

dont know where you would get them from
Thanks for the reply. I guess finding a way to stick on a slide-on type (if I can find one in my leftover parts collection) with some adhesive would be my best option then.