Where to buy?


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
Hi I'm not sure where this would belong so since its an AMD-general question, I thought I'd post it here.

I am looking to purchase the combo of Crucial Ballistix (2x512 PC-3200), AMD 3000+ Clawhammer 754 DTR, and the Chaintech VNF-250 today. I would also like a site that does not charge California Tax and if possible, free shipping. I already looked towards ZZF, NewEgg, ChiefValue, ExcaliberPC, and MonarchComputers which are all either out of stock or charge CA sales tax.

I would like to order within the U.S if possible. If they accept PayPal then its also a huge plus.
you can buy direct from crucial for the ram ;)

for the rest.. that's basically my whole list of "reputable" vendors... :(