Where to find a Wii


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2005
Haven't seen a thread on this for a bit. Anyone have any insight as to where to snag a Wii? Any shipments coming in? Anyone nab one since Christmas?
I got mine at Target around 10:30 this morning in Niles, IL. They had near 30 in stock and nobody in line for them either so prolly all sold out now. But I hear that Target is going to be receiving shipments for the next few days.
best bet is to start calling around to different stores and ask about their shipments. Be ready to camp them out though. I had to stand for 3 hours in a snow storm to get mine the week before Xmas. Normally calling just before places close is best because they more than likely have their shipment and know what is on the bill.
In my experience by now anyone who works close to electronics is sick of answering the same questions, and even if they are aware of shipment dates / times, they will just plead ignorance. Best of luck, I was able to get mine from Circuitcity.com, got it today. It came down to lucky timing and http://www.wiihunter.com/ for me.