where to find javax.ejb?

Darth Bagel

Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2005
I'm trying to follow this tutorial to make a simple enterprise java bean for use with a JBoss application server. As such, I didn't install the BEA Weblogic Server that the tutorial tells me to, but I really don't think that that's the problem. I'm at this step and when I try to compile, javac tells me that it can't find javax.ejb. I've just got the J2EE SDK 1.4 installed, which I thought should have everything (it seems to have a JRE and J2SE SDK), but apparently not.

Near as I can figure, the javax.ejb package is somewhere I haven't found yet, or my installation of the J2EE SDK is borked. Ideas?
Sounds like CLASSPATH problem.
Its been a while since I worked with EJBs. But I recall there is a J2EE_HOME environment variable that should be set. Look for the javax.ejb JAR file under J2EE_HOME.
I don't have a J2EE_HOME environment variable at all. Do you know what it should be set as?
Forget J2EE_HOME.
You need to find out where the J2EE SDK was installed, find the JAR files, and add it to your CLASSPATH environment variable.
I may sound really n00bish in this, but what is the default classpath? And I was kinda trying that, but there's a lot of jar files, and I don't know which one I'm looking for.