Where to get Free Half Life 2 with Purchase?


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
Well I know you can get it from Monarch and NCIX, but Monarch puts it together for you which I want to do myself. NCIX prices $20 more then all other sites for the 3000+ which is what I want to get. Anyway, Where Can I get the 3000+ with a mobo (939) and receiver a free HL2 voucher. I know Newegg and ZZF has it for the 3500+ but thats out of my budget. If there are no other sites, I'll just order through Monarch, just wanted to check if anyone here knows about other sites though first. Thanks.
don't be such a cheap-o...buy from the west coast canadian company....they are reliable , excellent with tech support, and very fast with shipping.....
Lunt said:
don't be such a cheap-o...buy from the west coast canadian company....they are reliable , excellent with tech support, and very fast with shipping.....
Cheap-o isnt the word to use. Hard on cash is. I never understand why people have to post something like you just did, All I asked was where to find a free copy of hl2 with a mobo/cpu combo.
Wasn't ATI doing it with their video cards for a while too? Dunno if that's still going on.
Moose777 said:
Wasn't ATI doing it with their video cards for a while too? Dunno if that's still going on.
Yeah, with the 9600xt I think, maybe the 9800pro too. But I am waiting on the x800xl, If that comes with Free Half Life 2, awesome, but I don't think it does, only Joint Operations.
jabronidan said:
Yeah, with the 9600xt I think, maybe the 9800pro too. But I am waiting on the x800xl, If that comes with Free Half Life 2, awesome, but I don't think it does, only Joint Operations.

Not the 9800pro, just the 9800xt. It was for there XT lineup of cards.

Sorry, I don't know of any others. The only one I knew of was NCIX...So there you go.
Squishead said:
Not the 9800pro, just the 9800xt. It was for there XT lineup of cards.

Sorry, I don't know of any others. The only one I knew of was NCIX...So there you go.

Yeah, I guess I will go Monarch then if nobody else shows a good deal. I really wanted to put it all together myself though, I guess I will just take apart the HSF and take off the CPU, hold it for a second, then put it back together, haha. :D

First time builder fcourse.
If you're patient, I bet in a few years you can find it inside a box of Cap'n Crunch. I got my son Amazon Trail from a box of Froot Loops a few months back.
Torgo said:
If you're patient, I bet in a few years you can find it inside a box of Cap'n Crunch. I got my son Amazon Trail from a box of Froot Loops a few months back.

Funny joke. Maybe $50 is nothing to you but to a 15 year old without a job, its a lot of money. If you want go ahead and purchase the game and send it to me, make my life easier.
jabronidan said:
Funny joke. Maybe $50 is nothing to you but to a 15 year old without a job, its a lot of money. If you want go ahead and purchase the game and send it to me, make my life easier.
Why should I make your life easier? You're prepared to drop over a hundred bucks on equipment and you're whinning about the cost of a game?

If you're dead serious about saving money, don't worry about the free voucher. Instead, concentrate on getting the best deal for your money on equipment rather than get something inferior just because you want a free game. Go read my breakdowns and you'll see that Half-Life 2 isn't the be-all end-all game. It's good and fun, but not worth sacrificing your system for.

Instead, you can find the game new for around $35 dollars (that's what I paid for it) if you look hard enough, or since you're so young, ask your parents to give to you for your birthday, good grades, special occasion... whatever.

Hell, sell your old system on eBay and friggin' pay for your game that way. Or, just wait. Prices on PC games always rapidly go down over time.
Torgo said:
Why should I make your life easier? You're prepared to drop over a hundred bucks on equipment and you're whinning about the cost of a game?

If you're dead serious about saving money, don't worry about the free voucher. Instead, concentrate on getting the best deal for your money on equipment rather than get something inferior just because you want a free game. Go read my breakdowns and you'll see that Half-Life 2 isn't the be-all end-all game. It's good and fun, but not worth sacrificing your system for.

Instead, you can find the game new for around $35 dollars (that's what I paid for it) if you look hard enough, or since you're so young, ask your parents to give to you for your birthday, good grades, special occasion... whatever.

Hell, sell your old system on eBay and friggin' pay for your game that way. Or, just wait. Prices on PC games always rapidly go down over time.

Woah, what a jack ass...

Why should he read your crappy break-down of the game that may end up spoiling it for him, anyway? As if you're IGN or Gamespot or something. Stop ripping on the guy over his purchase choice, he already said he couldn't afford better hardware; he just wanted the game.

Also, if you were too cheap to "get" your son Oregon Trail or whatever the hell it was from a real store, assuming you weren't kidding about it, then you have no real place to talk since it would probably cost a little less than Half Life 2 these days.

That being said, I'm not really sure where you can grab it up in Canada, other than NCIX, that is.
Torgo said:
Why should I make your life easier? You're prepared to drop over a hundred bucks on equipment and you're whinning about the cost of a game?

If you're dead serious about saving money, don't worry about the free voucher. Instead, concentrate on getting the best deal for your money on equipment rather than get something inferior just because you want a free game. Go read my breakdowns and you'll see that Half-Life 2 isn't the be-all end-all game. It's good and fun, but not worth sacrificing your system for.

Instead, you can find the game new for around $35 dollars (that's what I paid for it) if you look hard enough, or since you're so young, ask your parents to give to you for your birthday, good grades, special occasion... whatever.

Hell, sell your old system on eBay and friggin' pay for your game that way. Or, just wait. Prices on PC games always rapidly go down over time.
WHO EVER SAID that I will be sacrificing parts in my system just to get HL2. I cannot afford a 3500+, I cannot even afford a 3200+, 3000+ is right in my budget. I played HL2, I loved it. I can't sell my old system, I am giving it to my parents. All I asked was if you know where I can get it with a 3000+ and a Mobo, or even a 3200+ and a mobo, as my budget has increased due to a good deal on the case I am getting. I didn't ask for your opinions or alternative suggestions. Why does every thread end up turning into this?
Main Target said:
new egg has them...


btw whomever is bitching about him trying to find hl2 for free, thats what he wants to do and you really dont have any say in anything HE wants to do, wine all you want but if someone wants to find somethingfor free for gods sakes let him, so jsut shut up PLEASE

Again 3500+, 3800+, etc, all way out of my budget.
Main Target said:
btw whomever is bitching about him trying to find hl2 for free, thats what he wants to do and you really dont have any say in anything HE wants to do, wine all you want but if someone wants to find somethingfor free for gods sakes let him, so jsut shut up PLEASE
Y'know, there's something to be said for giving good advice even when it's not asked for. I had the same reaction as Torgo -- given the amount of money being spent on hardware, the price of the game pales in comparison. I think the OP's got his spending priorities wrong. IMO, if cash is tight to the point of $35, he probably shouldn't spend a dime. Barring that, he ought to be maxing his hardware potential. However, neither I nor Torgo are going to lose sleep over being disagreed with.

As for the slam on Torgo's HL2 analysis... you're right. He's not IGN. Rather than being a two-bit commentator, he's actually worked in the industry and made games. Heaven forbid he pretend to know what he's talking about :rolleyes: