Where to get SSL Cert


[H]F Junkie
Jun 17, 2003
Hey all, just curious as to where everyone thinks the best place to get an SSL cert from is. Specifically, I'm looking for a domain wide, wildcard cert. So I can do things like, *.domain.com OR domain.com and still use the same cert.

Thanks in advance.
I think Verisign is the way to go if you're purchasing a cert (as you seem to be). Most of the large e-tailers use Verisign certs.
Looking at Verisign's site, you will see that the base 1-year SSL certificate is about $1000. A three year SSL certificate is $2500.
yeah, i'm trying to avoid that cost if possible. This isn't for the public at large, it's just for corporate web access to email. A self signed would work, but if it were only a couple hundred I'd be willing to do it.
My school uses www.instantssl.com They have pretty good support and issue Comodo Certificates. I noticed that FrozenCPU uses them and a few other sites that sell hardware. Unless its a large business I think Verisign is a waste.
Where I work, we use GeoTrust. They charge a lot less than Verisign for multiple certs. I'm not sure what they charge for a single domain-wide cert, but you could check them out.
Dotster has wildcard SSLs for $750/yr. If you only want to secure 1 sub-domain, you can get it from Verisign at ~$350/yr.
You might want to look into godaddy.com that offers quickSSL or Thawte as well.

GoDaddy.com's wildcard SSL for $199 is pretty good price. It allows you to use *.domainname.com as a secure domain name.