Where to Temporarily Place Components


Limp Gawd
Jun 22, 2005
Hi everyone,

Because both my PSU and motherboard need to be replaced (under warranty), I need to basically remove everything from my PC until replacement parts can be received.

How can I safely store the components that are not directly attached to the case (processor, RAM, video card), without using their original boxes for storage?

Also, when removing the processor, do I need to remove the heatsink as well? If I do, I'll have to scrape off the cooling gel and buy some Arctic Silver, so I'd like to know this, as well.

Thanks for your help.
when you remove the heatsink the cpu is not supposed to come out with it so removing both is a must ;) If you have any spare anti static bags they should work just fine.
winuxgeek said:
when you remove the heatsink the cpu is not supposed to come out with it so removing both is a must ;) If you have any spare anti static bags they should work just fine.

Thanks for the recommendation on placement and the answer to my CPU issue. I appreciate it! :)
winuxgeek said:
when you remove the heatsink the cpu is not supposed to come out with it

But, it can, so don't be alarmed if it does. Your going to have to re-apply your thermal goop either way, so have it ready.
digital_exhaust said:
But, it can, so don't be alarmed if it does. Your going to have to re-apply your thermal goop either way, so have it ready.

Ok, thanks. Guess I'll go buy some now, then.
Find another PSU, even a dead one will be fine. Screw it into the case like normal, and plug it in. That'll ground your case. Now, after removing said components, and shipping whatever ones you need to ship, store your to-be-reused components inside the case. Just lay them in the bottom, and don't tip the case.
SarverSystems said:
Find another PSU, even a dead one will be fine. Screw it into the case like normal, and plug it in. That'll ground your case. Now, after removing said components, and shipping whatever ones you need to ship, store your to-be-reused components inside the case. Just lay them in the bottom, and don't tip the case.

No extra PSUs laying around, unfortunately.

I was wondering though: could I place the parts on cardboard/wood? I don't see why not, but I wanted to double-check.
I've seen posts recommending to lay out the parts on cardboard when testing to see if there's a grounding problem, so it seems to me that that would work.
General Crespin said:
I've seen posts recommending to lay out the parts on cardboard when testing to see if there's a grounding problem, so it seems to me that that would work.

Ok, great, thanks. Antec just approved my PSU RMA, and Asus never gets back to me...Does anyone know how to get Asus to acknowledge the need for a mobo replacement?