Where's the new Doom3 benchmarks?


Jul 26, 2004
O.K. we where teased with new benchmarks that where going to be made with different setups it thursday and doom3 comes out on monday when can we expect the new benchmarks to show up? anyone knows?
I recall Kyle saying it may not be done before the game is out... sit tight...
Yikes, then I take the same stance as for the demo.. If it dont come out before the game, who gives a damn really. I'm not going to be reading benches when I have fraps and something better to do.... um play the game! I know how it runs on my next card from the reviews already :D... and I'll find out how it plays on my 9700@ 360/320 on my own.
Kyle posted in another forum about an hour ago that "It should be on line by 1200 hours CDT."
great benchmark results, i love the article, but i was really impressed with the performance ot the bfg6800nu o/c for it's price it kick ass, it did better than the x800pro
I'm kinda dismayed... I Was hoping a 9800 Pro would do a little better.... oh well I will have to see it when the game gets here since they didn't have MY SYSTEM there... oh well :p
i myself believe all of ati's hardware would do a lot better if they would improve there opengl drivers
if they improve their drivers PERIOD, they would do well... not that I am counting on that any time soon...
Benchies before the game is a different animal, good read.

Well [H]'s method really shined through in this game. With the cap at 60, it's a great way to do it. I know a lot of people actually also want to know how the game will run on there system. Rreviews dont always need to be a "what to buy" guide so much as a "Do I need to buy" guide.