Which 1.5TB drive to get for data backup?


May 14, 2007
I'd like to get either the Seagate or WD Green 1.5TB drives for backup, but both have bad ratings. Have the Seagates really improved in quality? I already have a few WD10EADS drives and am very happy with them, so I'd prefer the WD15EADS esp since it'll run cooler and speed is not an issue. But that has even worse ratings than the Seagate, and its more $$ as well.
What strike do the WD drives have against them?
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I'm going by newegg ratings. Not the most reliable source I know, but its still something to go by.
I've been very impressed with my WD 640 Green. Not exactly the same, but close.
And a quick glance over newegg shows some of the lower ratings are due to the slower speeds of the drive, not really a huge deal in a backup drive.
as far as the seagate 1.5tb's, many people on here run them in their servers, i myself have 4 and have not had a single problem. Most of the negative reviews for them were before the firmware update (they were causing problems in raid arrays)... but all is good now, I couldn't be happier, especially with 8 watt idle...
you should check firmware on the drives using seagates tool.. they should all be up to date by now
Well if you do go for a seagate I would try at all possible to go for the 7200.12 series drives as they don't seem to have the firmware issues the 7200.11 series drives had. If you go with WD, that's a good option as well. I would guess it all comes down to preference, what do you think you could trust your data to? I personally have 2 Seagate drives, but they aren't very large in capacity..not yet anyway. They seem to work very well. I have had a few WD's as well and I believe they are also very solid drives. So the choice would be yours, and if the Seagate is cheaper, I'd check the model (make sure its a 7200.12) and then I'd get it. It all comes down to dollars and cents. Hope I helped a little. Also, I wouldn't put much weight into Newegg reviews, just take it with a grain of salt as they aren't very accurate.
I had a Seagate 1.5 with good firmware that still died after 1 week...

So I don't know... but then again I have 11 x 7200.11 1TB drives that are just fine... with updated firmware... etc...