which 20 inch monitor?


Limp Gawd
Jul 27, 2005
Hey guys im thinking of buying a 20 inch LCD monitor or any LCD that can support 1600x1200. It seems like a lot of people have the Dells, how do samsung and viewsonic models compare? They seem like they have better specs?
First, be wary of specs since not all manufactures measure the same way.

Second, I think all of Samsung's LCDs are 5:4, while 1600x1200 is a 4:3 res. Although I could be wrong; they might make a 4:3 LCD.
Well what would you guys recommend? I game alot so i would like something that will be fine for the games.
Indolentron said:
First, be wary of specs since not all manufactures measure the same way.

Second, I think all of Samsung's LCDs are 5:4, while 1600x1200 is a 4:3 res. Although I could be wrong; they might make a 4:3 LCD.

As far as I know, the only 5:4 aspect ratio ones are those running at 1280x1024. And that would be all 17" and 19" LCDs, regardless of brand.
You might want to take a look at the viewsonic VP2030b
Dell carries it, and its newer and has better specs than Dell's own 1600x1200 2001fp monitor. This vp2030b seems to be a 20.1" 1600x1200 version of viewsonic's 19" vp930b that seems to be fairly well regarded. And I keep hearing Dell has one of the best return policies out there. There aren't reviews out for it yet but if you don't like it you have 21 days to return it and are only out the cost to ship it back. Newegg carries it now also, but they only started carrying it as of a few days ago. User reviews should start coming in on newegg over the next couple weeks as people buy it.