Which AMD Card? 7950? 7850?


Limp Gawd
Mar 23, 2004
I just sold both my 6870's, partially due to my frustration with crossfire and the noise that one of my reference cards produced under load.

I've been researching on Newegg and reading random reviews, but would like some additional insight from the forum.

I only game with one monitor and never foresee myself gaming at anything over 1920x1080.

The only game I see myself playing in the near future is BF3. If HL3 is released or anything similar in the FPS genre, I'd probably start playing that.

I know this a bit of a side-grade, but micro-stutter does exist and I would much rather lower FPS with smooth gameplay than my current config.

What do you guys recommend? Is a 7950 even worth it? Which brand? With 7850, it is essentially a wash. A 7950 will run run me roughly $150 more.

I'm looking for something that is quiet and that has good overclocking headroom, so no reference designs. I've seen an HIQ non reference 7950, Sapphire models, Gigabyte.. I was very happy with my MSI 6870 card, but I don't want to pay the extra premium.

Any suggestions/ advice? I'm leaning towards the Gigabyte 7950 with three fans or the Sapphire 7850 dual fan/Asus 7850..
