Which Block fits on the DFI nF3 250Gb chip?


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2005
I did a couple searches, and no luck. It should be pretty easy to fit one on there, but I don't have a shop....

Feel free to post pics of your creations...

not many cus of the capacitors right next to it....

its not worth it to watercool it anyway.....it wont give you any better performance
If you say so...

My temps get pretty high, but I know why... The chipset can't take much overvoltage so I thought it was cooling.

but I am happy with my setup. I've only had it for a week and there is no way I can afford a water setup or the noise. The point of this PC is mobility. Water cooling for my Dual Athlon JIUHB's yes, but nF3 no. Thanks both of you.
You do know the reason why we said you dont need to watercool your chipset right?

On the athlon 64 platform the memory controller is on the processor die. This means that the hottest part of the chipset has been moved to the CPU. While overclocking, bumping the FSB doesn't really do much to the chipset. (Also the reason why you dont need to overvolt your chipset...it wont aid at all in overclocking).
Prove it to me...

No one has anything to back themselves up and everything I've read shows the Hyper Transport to be a link between CPU and Chipset. So, you expect me to believe that the chipset is connected to a PCI bus to get to the CPU?
actually the chipset controls the PCI bus.....


there is NO way that any chipset can get hot enough to watercool (short of you putting a TEC on it...and that would just be plain stupid)

if you absolutely MUST watercool it you might need a custom block..again, because of the caps RIGHT next to it(my vantec iceberg (read: which is overkill IMO for an nforce 3 chipset) touches the caps, i should probably bend them away a little)
I don't know if you have a point other than beating the opinion into the ground.

I just talked to a guy who is running a 4v vDIMM mod on his nF3 that has a Swiftech block modified to fit on the chip. That is neither here, nor there, but he has one just like you. And you say you don't need it. How would you know until you tried your settings without your setup the way it is?

No shit the PCI bus is controlled by the chipset. The PCI is not overclocked, so it's not running hotter, but as I have read on the internet, the HTT is integrated into the chip as an interface for the PCI and SATA controller, etc.
charles555 said:
I just talked to a guy who is running a 4v vDIMM mod on his nF3 that has a Swiftech block modified to fit on the chip.

again....the memory controller is on the CPU now...NOT the chipset....so even for him, there is no point in watercooling the chipset (at least for that reason)

im done argueing in this thread....if you want to waste your money i guess thats not my problem
Dude, I already told you I am not buying a water cooling setup for my A64.

and you missed my point.