Which board for budget i5 build?

The first is based on a high-end Sandy Bridge chipset and the second on a lower-end Ivy Bridge chipset. Both are compatible with the i5-3570K, but note that if you're looking to overclock that processor, you need a certain chipset version (like the Z68 or Z77, etc.). If you're looking for certain Ivy Bridge features such as PCIe 3.0 or Thunderbolt or integrated USB 3.0 or "official support for" DDR3-1600 RAM, you'll need an Ivy Bridge chipset.

You can see the differences between the two sets of chipsets here:


I recently built a B75 + SB i3 myself and it's perfect for me. I also just built a machine for my dad using the i5-3570k and an H77 chipset.
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Noooooooooo! Got the Z68 and it needs a bios update to use Ivy Bridge. No spare Sandy Bridge to use to update the bios. Any ideas aside from RMA?
They sent you a motherboard with an old BIOS? wtf...

I guess it was old stock laying around. If you don't want to RMA it, you can try calling MSI up and asking if they'll ship you a flashed BIOS chip and you can replace it yourself maybe. Or just RMA it and get an IVB board.
That one should, yeah.

Sorry about the trouble. I should have mentioned the BIOS update but I figured it would have already been applied by now, since IVB has been out for so long.
That one should, yeah.

Sorry about the trouble. I should have mentioned the BIOS update but I figured it would have already been applied by now, since IVB has been out for so long.

Nah not your fault at all. Yea that's what I figured to. No biggie :)
Really worried about ordering this time. Someone give me a solid board for around $50-90. It's for an i5 3570k, not really worried about SLi or Crossfire. No overclocking either.
Check out some H77 boards. Basic ivy bridge motherboards for standard computing. No SLI or Crossfire, and no overclocking with these boards though, so putting a 3570k in them would be kinda pointless. 3570k is basically designed with overclocking in mind.

I just built a new PC for my dad with this board http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157303

Simple, clean, no need for bios updates or any of that fun stuff.