Which card coming first ? HD 8970 or GTX-780 ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
So we are almost into one year with the current generation VideoCards. Who will be first out of the gate with their next gen ? AMD HD 8970 or nVidia GTX-780 ?

What are the current rumors ? I thought I read the GTX-780 is a huge leap in technology and will be a giant upgrade from the GTX-680. Where as AMD's HD 8970 is more of a tweaked and much better 7970, but not night and day better ?

What's approx release timeframe ?
I would expect the Amd cards to come out first.

prolly sometime around april. Maybe sooner
I'd say they will release their new cards late March early April. Last 3 relases have been a year and a month twice. And the 7000 series was released a year and 3 months after the 6000 series.
I would like to see what nvidia comes out with next - hoping the 790 is a worthy successor to the 690.
Nvidia has implied they won't release the 780 before March of 2013, but the rumor mill suggests it isn't going to be massively better than the 680.


The 8xxx series should be out around the same time, I'm hoping before Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm becomes available. It won't be much of an upgrade from a 7970 either but coming up from the 6970 I currently own it would be fairly noticeable. I usually skip a generation with my video card upgrades.
my crossfire 7970's are already massive overkill for the resolution my monitor supports (27" HP 1920x1080)

so I'll probably be sitting pretty for quite some time. I don't anticipate the 8000 series to be anything truly revolutionary or ground breaking. I base that on absolutely nothing but my mood.
Nvidia has implied they won't release the 780 before March of 2013, but the rumor mill suggests it isn't going to be massively better than the 680.


The 8xxx series should be out around the same time, I'm hoping before Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm becomes available. It won't be much of an upgrade from a 7970 either but coming up from the 6970 I currently own it would be fairly noticeable. I usually skip a generation with my video card upgrades.

If this is true, then you could OC the 680 to 780 speeds or higher.
OP, it's all quicksand at this moment.

I know you want to engage in conjecture and conversation, but your question is technically unanswerable by nearly any person on this forum.:)
Keplar? didnt they say they 2013 chipset was called maxwell? Fermi ->Keplar->Maxwell, that was the release order. i never heard of anything about them using keplar for 2 generations. Fermi was used for 2 gens because the 5xx was a refresh and not a new tech launch.
Keplar? didnt they say they 2013 chipset was called maxwell? Fermi ->Keplar->Maxwell, that was the release order. i never heard of anything about them using keplar for 2 generations. Fermi was used for 2 gens because the 5xx was a refresh and not a new tech launch.

Don't they milk each architecture for at least 2 generations? 400/500's Fermi, 600/700's Keplar?

I don't see the 7xx series being 55% more powerful, but who knows with console season starting next year could bring some big changes. Usually the rumor mill starts kicking in near the end of December to early January. Then again they were pretty wrong last year so....lol
So we are almost into one year with the current generation VideoCards. Who will be first out of the gate with their next gen ? AMD HD 8970 or nVidia GTX-780 ?

What are the current rumors ? I thought I read the GTX-780 is a huge leap in technology and will be a giant upgrade from the GTX-680. Where as AMD's HD 8970 is more of a tweaked and much better 7970, but not night and day better ?

What's approx release timeframe ?

Who cares? the world ends in a couple of weeks.
Eh, I always skip a generation. I won't believe any of these preemptive "we won!" statements until I see reviews across the board from various websites.
I recall reading several different articles back in the Summer, stating that nVidia's next generation GTX-700 series was supposed to be a major leap in performance compared to the 680, and that we could easily expect 50% better.

No word on the ATI HD 8970, that has been tight lipped on links.
I'll be very happy when a single GPU/single card nVidia solution comes out that can handle 1600p.
Sadly, I don't think the 700 series is going to be it. It'll probably be real close. A single GPU card that can match my 670 FTWs would be awesome. 800 series maybe?
55% increase with 700 series? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL.
What? Kepler does 1600p on one card. Granted it doesn't play all games at 60fps, but I have yet run into one game I haven't been able to play even on my 660ti with almost everything maxed out.

Even in two generation of cards from now, the current top tier still won't be able to handle 1600p at 60fps because the games then will be more demanding then they are now. Also I don't think Nvidia and AMD want their top tier cards to run that res flawlessly on one card when they can sell you two for the price of two and double their sales.... LOL
My new single GTX-680 4GB card, runs my 30" Monitor very well. Older games of course, can be cranked up to insane levels of details. WoW MoP @ 8xAA super sample, and Ultra settings in-game = smooth as butter. Half Life 2 Source engine games, also can be cranked way up, and run crazy smooth.

Newer games like Planetside 2 run surprisingly smooth. I have PS2 set to highest in-game settings, and it plays really well. Don't know the frames per second, but I don't feel any chop or lag. And nVidia will have improved drivers coming soon for PS2, as well as PS2 developers themselves updating the game to be better.

Action RPG's like Diablo ]l[ and Torchlight 2 also play smooth as ice, full maxed out settings @ 2560 x 1600, but these games are not demanding whatsoever.

Only game I haven't bought yet, and plan to soon, is BattleField 3, I am sure that will be a hog on a single 680 running @ 1600p.
Nvidia has been pushing the Gk110 SKU really hard these last few months. I think they will continue to ride it for the near future. I think that when the "GTX 780" is released, it will be the full on kepler for the masses. Perhaps tweaked some and refined. Nvidia seems to be riding there main processor for 2 years, then shifting to new technology.
It was reported 1-2 weeks ago from a factory worker where they make cards that they haven't heard anything about new cards and that they get notified 3 months before production starts. Don't know how far between production start and release but there can't be anything before Q2 expected.
Last GTX - 780 rumors I read, point to a Q2 release. I thought the HD 8970 was due sooner, like Feb / March ?
Well... AMD/ATI seems to have their new cards out first. AndSo my money is going to be on them. When that happens everyone jumps on them, then Nvidia normally come out and levels the playing field. I could care less about the newer cards. If they are better then the 6** series while still staying power efficient then I might care. My 670 has yet to show it's age and I feel it won't for a while.
AMD/ATI seems to have their new cards out first.
AMD releases 8970 ... nVIdia says "omgwtfbbq that's all?" Relabels GT 740 to be GTX 780 and charges $550 for $99 hardware. :D
I heard that the 780 is gonna be as powerful as a 690. That's impressive. I just want to buy my first 680.
I heard that the 780 is gonna be as powerful as a 690. That's impressive. I just want to buy my first 680.

Never :D
We are still on 28nm. GTX680+50% at best, that could fit into a 250W TDP.

I think HD8970 will come first, but GTX780 will come shortly afterwards. My guess would be that they will be about one month apart.
Never :D
We are still on 28nm. GTX680+50% at best, that could fit into a 250W TDP.

I think HD8970 will come first, but GTX780 will come shortly afterwards. My guess would be that they will be about one month apart.

Totally agree. I am betting on the HD 8970 releasing March/April and being approx 1/3rd faster than the 7970GHZ. And then the GTX - 780 releasing in April/May, and being up to 40%-50% faster than the 680.
33% faster than 7970 GHz? How would they do that without blowing the power envelope? They cannot increase memory bandwidth, they already have that maxed out. 15-20% would be my guess.
33% faster than 7970 GHz? How would they do that without blowing the power envelope? They cannot increase memory bandwidth, they already have that maxed out. 15-20% would be my guess.

What's the point even releasing card with a meager 15%-20% upgrade. That's not even noticeable in the real world.

I remember the good old days, when next gen cards were 75%-100% faster than the previous model. Cards like ATI 9700Pro or nVidia 8800GTX, even the current 7970 GHZ is a huge upgrade from the previous 6970 model, I think like 50% at least.
What's the point even releasing card with a meager 15%-20% upgrade. That's not even noticeable in the real world.

I remember the good old days, when next gen cards were 75%-100% faster than the previous model. Cards like ATI 9700Pro or nVidia 8800GTX, even the current 7970 GHZ is a huge upgrade from the previous 6970 model, I think like 50% at least.

It's not next-gen though, just a refresh on the same process node. 6970 was 15% faster than 5870, too ;)
I think NVIDIA will push out in Q2 if they feel any pressure at all from AMD.
yeah, that's what I'm most interested to see. Will it be the jump from 5000 series to 6000 series of not a lot, or the massive improvement from 6000-7000 series.