Which cart system for a landig page

We use Magneto and have used landing pages with it in the past. What sorts of problems are you having with it?

I should note that making landing pages with custom domains work successfully has far more to do with your server environment than with the individual eCommerce software you select. Are you using full domain names for your landing pages or subdomains, or both?
Both. I'm looking for something which can handle more product as bundles and possibilities to do upsels.

I have an experience with Magento 1.4 and I have tried to use product page as landing page by setting it as a "welcome page" at the back end but I can't pass values from the landing page to the checkout process :\ It looks like I need to create a product page where I have only quantity and all the rest will be set during the checkout process. Also I can't find any way to do one-page checkout process like X-cart has.

Thanks for any help.