Which CPU should I get when prices drop?


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Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2006
Upgrading mostly for gaming. I will be getting a HD 4850 with it.
Is the E7400 worth the extra $?
The E5400 has a 13.5 multi. Not sure how it will perform over the E5200.
E5200 is cheapest.

Well E5300, E5400, and E7400 are all R0 stepping which should give an advantage to overclocking. So for maximum bang for the buck I'd go with E5300.
Well E5300, E5400, and E7400 are all R0 stepping which should give an advantage to overclocking. So for maximum bang for the buck I'd go with E5300.
So E5300 can OC easier/higher? What's the multiplier on it?

Oh and I don't think my 450w 32amp PSU can take on a quad core. If I did get quad it would either be q6600 or q8300 since they're cheapest.
It should clock easier being the latest stepping. But it's too early to tell if or by how much since practically no one has the E5300. Wait for reports to filter in. Multi is 13x but that's not really a limiting factor on any of these duallies.
E5200 or E5300 and then go for broke.

At $67-77 you could almost spend more for a cooler for it than for the chip. :D

Seriously though, I have an e5200 in my HTPC. I ran it up to 3.33 GHz on 1.25 vcore without hardly trying (on a Scythe Mini Ninja, stock fan). I'm sure it could run higher (many people have), but there's no need in my case. There's something very satisfying about taking an inexpensive CPU and getting it to perform like it cost 3 or 4 times more (or better!) than it really did.
I love my e5200, but it has some low fsb walls. I can throw 1.6V at it and my mobo and it will not go higher than 380 fsb.

Out of a E5300 or E5200, i would go with the E5200, just because out of everyone i have seen with a e5300, it has clocked about a 0.10ghz more.

Im actually very interested in the E5400. If it can handle decent fsb clocks i might make the switch. So far from some sneak peaks over at Xs, it can do 400+ fsb, and has a multi of 13.5 if i recall. :D
The Q9650 looks tempting. Where did you find this table? When will the price drops take effect?
I heard some people say the 18th, but i must of misread it prob

The 18th is the day I have heard as well, but it will take a little while to trickle down ...

Kinda like gas prices ... takes two weeks to go down, but will go up overnight.
The 18th is when Intel has said they will drop their prices, not necessarily when retailers and etailers will drop theirs.
The Core i7 920 at $229 (Microcenter has them at this price for in-store pickup) makes it compelling even with the C2Q price drops. Add a Gigabyte UD3R for $184 (after rebate) and some reasonable (?) DDR3 for $76 and you have a system that is competitive with any of the C2Qs AND has a future.

Requires you to do a bit of research and play the rebate game, but it's an option. It'll be a BETTER option in a few months, but it's viable now.
The Core i7 920 at $229 (Microcenter has them at this price for in-store pickup) makes it compelling even with the C2Q price drops. Add a Gigabyte UD3R for $184 (after rebate) and some reasonable (?) DDR3 for $76 and you have a system that is competitive with any of the C2Qs AND has a future.

Requires you to do a bit of research and play the rebate game, but it's an option. It'll be a BETTER option in a few months, but it's viable now.

yeah I'll probably build an i7 system next year. I'd need a new psu also, and I'd probably want to get an antec 182 to build it in (although my smaller antec sonata ii would probably work ok, but not as much room in it). I have $400 xmas money to spend on an upgrade that will last at least this year.
I'm down to E5200 or E5300. From what I've read it looks like 3.6ghz is the highest, safest 24/7 overclock. Maybe I'll just aim for that instead of trying to push it to 4.0ghz or higher, which probably wouldn't make much difference anyway. I can at least easily OC the E5200 to 3.6 even if I get a bad chip right?

Now I just wait for retailers to drop prices....
I wanna say yes, but overclocking is not a 100% sure thing. I have seen chips who can handle 3.8ghz under 1.4V, while others need 1.45V.

If the E5400 has a higher fsb wall than my e5200 i have now, i might make the switch, otherwise, ill just jump onto a deal on here for a e8600 and smile at 4.5Ghz :D
When is the core i7 and mobos expected to drop in price? I might be able to hold out until then
Not for a while. I wouldn't expect any significant price drop on i7 chips or boards in the foreseeable future.
What? You want lower prices than already out now? If your near a Frys/Mc you can get a i7 chip for $239, theres a 6gb kit deal on tg for $135, Then gigabytes ud4r for $189.

If your one of those ''High end products need to be cheaper or close to mid range products'' please hide yourself in the closet.
I already got a Q9650, that was the hugest price drop if you want to build a high end gaming rig. So my vote goes to other.
My bud ordered a E7400 with overnight shipping for his media rig. Hes gonna let me overclock it for him, Im a try and push the chip to do 500+ fsb under a 1:1 Ratio with a multi of 8 and see how it does. If it handles it well and begs for more, Im making the switch to a e7400 :cool: