Which fans for H80?


Oct 20, 2006
Hey guys, need some fans for a H80. Noise isn't a huge concern, just can't sound like a tornado. Something with white leds would be great but not really needed. Not looking to spend more than 25 for both. Please halp, I'm a noob when it comes to fans.
i use noctua 120mm fans
you can also try enermax turbines they are really quiet and are cheaper
i just bought a 140mm fan for my side panel and its really quiet very impressed with the quality and it pushes alot of air
which noctua exactly? I see some on newegg but a bit pricey over $20 each. Looking for something cheaper.
they really only make like one model that is 120mm
i think it was p12 or something i dunno
checkout their website
The stock fans are great. These aint no h70/h50 fans. Theyre different, have wider blades and are quieter.