Which game was your Best Multiplayer Experience Ever...

for pc i gotta say CounterStrike. i love this game. and the other MP game for pc is the call of duty mutliplayer
and for my n64, super mario karts
CS is right near the top. I never played it online so cheating was never a problem for me. Lots of LAN play.

Other great multiplayer experiences include Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, Quake 2, Half Life, and UT2k4
Tribes 1 Shifter v1 mod for pc

Goldeneye for all time greatest console. Oh, the wasted hours!!!

Best ever multiplayer? Starcraft!
quake3 of course, CTF or capturestrike.

splinter cell pandora tomorrow also right up there if you play with people you know
Warcraft 3, Dota custom map, team full of RL friends and family. Good times.
I'm surprised there are so few Goldeneye mentions. I had an awesome time playing that through a full theater spec sound system (I live in a tourist town and the wife's grandparents own a theater). Gunshots sounded damn near real.

Also, with as many geeks as we have here, I'm surprised there hasn't been a single mention of Magic: The Gathering yet. I'm disappointed. :p
Doom co-op back in the day with my bro, also the original Unreal Tournament.

On consoles, we rented an n64 a long time ago and played starfox for 3 days straight :D Then we bought a playstation (original) and CTR (Crash team racing) and Crash Bash came out, now those are some quality multiplayer games...
For LAN, I used to love good old Half-life DM... especially those rats maps.
Everquest, followed by UT1999 and HLDM in that order.

Ah, the good old days... :(
Goldeneye and Perfect Dark N64 :p
I like Counter-Strike, but I can't find the fun factor in it anymore. :(
Counter-Strike, but diablo II is a extremely close second. A few other honorable mentions:

Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight is what i played up until about starcraft.

Starcraft until I got UT, but starcraft i still play once in a while.

Original UT was awesome, still my favortie lan game.

I first got Half Life initally for a mod called Firearms, but I quickly discovered Counter-Strike and a little while later got Diablo II.

Now I'm enjoying UT2k4 and Call of Duty.

I can say though that my worst multiplayer expirence ever was probably battlefield 1942 not so much because its a horrible game or anything, i can see why people like it, but because i really just didnt like the general layout of it. At first i felt like my bullets didnt register (i get like 30 ping so its not my modem) and the planes were way to hard to do anything with, but it was ok. I'd have to say most overrated shooter of all time next to halo :rolleyes:

Warcraft III is pretty good too.

Woha! i forgot consoles until i saw that other people posted it. Golden eye/perfect dark was great, but i always loved racing games best, well Mario Kart and F-Zero X were my favorites. Another great one is the NHL series and the NHL Hitz and I cant forget smash brothers :) <----- Many hours killed on that one with friends.
Console-Goldeneye, halo can bow to it. Wastd so many nights of my life on the that one.

PC- Tossup, ut/ut2k4 or war3, still addicted to both.
I'll say Jedi Knight II because I love the saber only FFA fights and I had (a least for a while) a great group of people playing. Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy sucked and ruined everything that was good about JKII. JKII still has a lot of active servers. It doesn't rival CS, but still.

Today I'd say UT2K4 is best, Onslaught in particular is hard to beat.
Starsiege: Tribes

I remember being so bored by Q3 and Half Life multiplayer in 99, and discovering Tribes for the first time. Once you get into the Tribes gameplay, you just can't go back to anything less
Doom 2 (Dead Simple!) - It was harder to get a game going back then, but damn was it fun.

Rocket Arena for Quake 2 - My personal favorite... so many memorable arenas. I probably spent more time with this than all other multiplayer games I've played combined. It was tough since I was on dial-up still while others were beginning to get high speed connections. I learned about the existence of 3D cards while waiting in line for Stone Cold and eventually got a Voodoo 2.

Action Quake 2 - I actually won most of the time with this one. I quit playing once they overcomplicated the rules and added a ton of new maps.

Quake 3 - Greatness... I've gotten more time out of it than UT, UT2003, and UT2004 combined.

Street Fighter 2

Mario Kart: Double Dash

Soul Calibur 2
Q2 Lokis Minions CTF. Absolutely brilliant CTF mod.

Another great mod that slid under the radar I played a lot was TagYerIt for Q2. Damn fun stuff.
goldeneye and perfect dark :D, a shame that due to low specs of the n64 the game dropped the framerate pretty bad on intense fights, but it was hella fun
also mario kart, all you could hear was the sound of the thumbstick on the n64 just going back and fort, those damn turbos wasted a couple of my controllers :p
Definantly has to be UT2k4. No other interface can compare to it. You look at COD, Doom 3, and other interfaces and they are definantly not as designed as well. The server browser and the game types kick ass as well. And gamers can create their own shit. Guns, game types, skins, maps, etc, etc
Fallout Tactics DEMO (the released game sucked, but the MP demo was incredibly fun)
Action Quake 2
HL DM in my office LAN (usually 3 v 1 team DM)
I remember the good ole days at Purdue my freshman year at Tark. Dorm. We played the shit out of N64 Goldeneye and Mario Kart. There was even a dorm tournament with Mario Kart.
|MaguS| said:
Everquest doing a Temple of Veeshan raid... totaly carnage and fun... nothing comes close

Ahh yes those were some fun times right there, 2 Boxing MA and a Shaman bot.......damn EQ........ :D
Tf was what made me realize what mp could be. I hope the 2nd one can live up to the original.
Probably the most time I have ever spent on a game was Diablo 2. Back in the old days, 8 player Choas Santurary was some of the coolest stuff ever.

Some others:
CS (pre-steam)
BF1942 + mods (DC, pirates, 82, etc.)
battlefield Vietnam, I just think the vietnamese taunts are hilarious, me and my clan members shout at each other etc and its funny as fook :D
CS, Pre 1.4 - 1.3 was pretty good but after that the game degrated to what it is today. I swear voice chat is the worst thing to happen to video games.

Tribes, simply cannot beat it. Ahead of its time.
Probably for me, I'd have to say either, Doom 1,2 or Duke Nukem 3D. I spent so much time playing my friends on those games when they came out back when I was really into deathmatches etc. Haven't really done too much of it since then. Man that was a long time ago, not sure which I enjoyed more though, kind of been too long to remember. Those were good days.
pduan87 said:
Probably the most time I have ever spent on a game was Diablo 2. Back in the old days, 8 player Choas Santurary was some of the coolest stuff ever.

Some others:
CS (pre-steam)
BF1942 + mods (DC, pirates, 82, etc.)

Ahaha a d2 player...yes, back before LoD changed the landscape, yeah this was alright. This was also back before the bow bug was fixed--'zons were hard as hell to use. A 9-60 VFAS Gothic was the same as a 30-150 VFAS...course when 1.04 came around everyone started screaming bloody murder--'zons finally doing the correct dmg.

*shakes heads at all those lancer barbs*

SS's still wiped out 'zons just the same.

Ah now i remember, fest. 2 Pally's (Conc + Fanat) + the rest zon's...wow, quick runs. Now i'm wondering if there was a bug preventing to auras from stacking like that...ah oh well, I don't remember =D
counter strike around the beta 7 days, couldn't beat it. now it just sucks.
tribes 2 once they fixed the extreme lag was very fun.
1st game, Ranbow Six (the orignal), then Rogue Spear...

THEN!! Counter-Strike!, played for 2 or 3 years...then i found Day of Defeat, and i've been playing DOD for about 2 years..

DOD is my main game as of now.

i'd say CS was TEH GAME that got me into hardcore gaming.
Yogi said:
CS is right near the top. I never played it online so cheating was never a problem for me. Lots of LAN play.

Other great multiplayer experiences include Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, Quake 2, Half Life, and UT2k4

Omg .. Jedi Knight was the BEST multiplayer game at the time. Canyon Oasis = best dm map ever created!!

I swear.. conch rifle and those mines... that map was sooooo much fun